I can't really say I slept later a ton than when working, but I sleep different. Not really better either. You can imagine how important sleep is when you have ~ 13 miles in your legs all tied to the day's labor. Sleep just comes. I am not the best vacationer, but it was fine.
I did get some stuff done. We did more of the ceiling. It isn't a one person job in most cases, cuz a lot of pieces are 8' long. For shorter pieces one person can do them. Lisa started taking days off on Friday. We got our original 5 packages up. I bought 3 more. We can get those up, and you are getting close to the end. We will have to buy more after that.
We had some more wind, so yesterday when I woke up it didn't even look like I did leaves the day before. A lot of leaves fell, and a lot still have to fall. What can you do?
I am excited for work to start again. That's my normal. I like my normal. You can imagine the excitement of a meal after a day's labor. And the fulfilling sleep afterwards. I haven't read the Bible in 1000 years, but it wouldn't surprise me if something is said about that in Ecclesiastes.
Why don't I read the bible? For reasons you cannot comprehend. The word is a sword, and I don't have understanding. It judges me to the quick, and I cannot protect myself.
You can imagine my shock and surprise when my eyes were open to see the sword for how it is. I was taught pretty quickly it is of little use without understanding.
Anyway the election is over. It will end up being a mandate of sorts. Maybe over 300 electoral college votes, and what will end up being approaching 5 million vote lead in total. Personally I have no agenda I want followed. I'd like my $2400. :) Obviously I'd like a plan to combat this virus. Yesterday ended up being another one of those super spreader events. What are people thinking?
Nobody remembers the parade after WWI ended. We do remember how the flu spread afterwards. As I expected this thing is spread via social activities. Left, and right. Good thing I am not social. :)
I thought the Trump presidency was pretty bad. He got his people out to vote though. Do you kinda feel the pressure drop though. Like maybe Mitch McConnell, and Biden don't have to be asses to each other.
There will be differences to how much money to spend. I am not a currency printer person. I have to live with a budget. There had to be some type of reconciliation between inflows, and outflows. The federal level is the only area where money can be printed. States have to be careful. We have a pandemic. I think it is safe to say all states are fucked. It isn't just New York, Detroit, etc... it is states being affected, not just cities. Rural areas too, where access to healthcare is much more limited.
That's the hard part of Governing. It is what people sign up for, typically. It isn't my job, and I don't want it. I'd like my $2400, and I'll stay socially distant, unlike the majority I guess.
As to the finances, I'll try, and look after my own house.
Laterzzzzzzzz. :)
xoxo. :)
xxoo. :)
Byeeeeeeeee. :)))
MWAH. :)