Monday, November 30, 2020

Lazy Day It Was Then

Yesterday ended up being lazy. Like not even one total mile of walking lazy. That will happen when you watch "The Queen's Gambit" in one sitting. Then you gotta reload your chess app, and play that. That is a great mini series. Gotta be one of the best I've seen. Eventually I did what everyone else did. Google the girl, is this a true story?  

It is fiction,  but it totally could be true. She has parts of the author in her from what I read. Anyway, a great show. I actually stayed up and watched most of the Bears. Went to bed at 41-7. I woke up at like 1:00AM or something, and it took forever to fall asleep. No activity, and no tranquilizer in the form of alcohol, and my mind was racing 100 miles per minute. 

I was thinking of alcohol, and pool halls, and chess tournaments, and writing. You name it. The authors books were made into "The Hustler" "The Color Of Money".  He was a writer. He drank. He considered himself a drunk, but it might have been the times. He had some drinks late night. Never during the day, and he hid it. He drank alone. He died of lung cancer, which was also a part of those days. A lot of people smoked, and I dont think anyone thought it was bad for them. 

Pool halls had to be quite the attraction back then.  Drink, smoke,  competition,  and gambling. Probably a better lifestyle than one could find in the suburbs. Can you imagine back then?  

Anyway, today, I am going to be busy. I am going to do some cleaning,  cooking, take Hope,  workout. It should be a good day. I recovered from my first week off. I lost weight again of course. Another pound. You just can't eat a lot if you don't work. I can't anyway. Schedule is all whack. 

I slept til 8:30 AM today. Crazy right?  

Today will go by quick,  but I think it will be good. 

Laterzzzzzzzz.      :)

xoxo.        :)

xxoo.      :)

Byeeeeeeeee.       :)))

MWAH.       :)

Sunday, November 29, 2020

The Start Of Another Week

So, I bought a book for cheap on Black Friday. "The Lincoln Lawyer"  I bought it from Audible,  cuz it was cheap, and I needed another book for work. I thought I saw the movie before, so it would be fun to listen to the book. As I was listening to the book it seemed maybe familiar,  but not really. When I got home I rented it from Amazon. It had a pretty big cast. I don't think I ever saw the movie, or if I did I forgot almost everything. 

The book starts off pretty good for the first few hours, it's why I wanted to see the movie. After the movie I watched a bit of football,  and there was a big bang marathon,  and that's what I was in  the mood for. I fell asleep at a reasonable time, and I slept good. I needed it considering my crappy sleep the night before. 

I was thinking of getting some stuff done today, but being lazy sounds good too. Maybe I can just watch a movie, and start the day after. I am under no stress to really get anything done today. We will see. It is still dark, and cold,  and I am having my coffee still. I probably will watch a movie. 

It was kinda surprising how mad I got the other day. Then again people I guess can do stupid things. Who knows another's internals?  I don't,  and maybe I don't even want to. 

People are people. You can watch them take themselves down strange paths. You can see the detour signs. They should be going another way, but they ignore them or don't see them. Blinded by the allure of something that really isn't there. I don't 

I don't really know another's internals. I know there is bad stuff inside us that overpowers us. Makes us less than we'd like. I know this, but you don't. You don't really know yourself in that regard. 

My life goes on I guess. Another day today,  and I am not sure how it will pan out. I should at least get my workout in. I am not predicting a busy day for me, but I might be. Lazy seems okay, but so does getting stuff done. Lazy wouldn't bug me today, like it usually does. I have many days this week to get stuff done. I did a big project last week. Bigger than I thought it  was. 

We will see.  

Laterzzzzzzzz.     :)

xoxo.      :)

xxoo.     :)

Byeeeeeeeee.       :)))

MWAH.     :)

Saturday, November 28, 2020

I Cannot Believe It

So, for like the last 3 weeks my dad has watched tv 24/7. Yesterday the day of his appointment he goes out to meet the Heroin addict. He missed his doctor's appointment I was going to drive him to. He claims he forgot, although Lisa and I reminded him just the day before. He said he was on his way 10 minutes out, and shows up 40 minutes later. Making excuses of this and that. Lies lies lies. 

If I was working I would have left work early to take him, it was on the calendar. I probably would have gone in early too. We would have been wiped clean from Thanksgiving,  all of a sudden having to retool for a Saturday. Not to mention Lisa took time out of her life to jump through the hoops to make a schedule with a VA doctor. 

What a complete piece of shit he is. I was going to increase his rent cuz we have to deal with his stupid shit, but now I changed course. I am going to charge him zero rent, but he gets no meals from us. He wants to eat, he cooks his own meals. He can make eggs, toast,  and cereal. Fuck him. 

I don't usually get this angry, but he is just a stupid asshole. Now I slept like shit last night cuz  I was angry. The one day this week I have to work. 

I did finish the closet though, and took Hope, and worked out. Waited around to take my dad, but he never showed up. 

I've been taking Hope for long walks,  which I've actually quite enjoyed. In the Fall when the leaves are down you can see so much more. Some houses are taken care of, and some not. I should go down other streets less frequented. The walk is peaceful sorta, and mildly entertaining. You know we people watch,  well this is just neighborhood watch. Same thing really. 

I don't really have much planned today after work. Maybe I'll have dinner, and just be lazy. Watch tv. I could watch football. We will see. Lisa works today too, and is off for two days. 

Oh, I had a strange dream last night. I was supposed to race in the indy 500, although I have no idea how to drive those cars. I scratched my name before the start. I didn't think it would be safe having me take turns at 35 MPH. Also, I didn't really like my chances of winning. 


On to another day. 

Laterzzzzzzz.     :)

xoxo.       :)

xxoo.      :)

Byeeeeeeeee.      :)))

MWAH.     :)

Friday, November 27, 2020

A Big Sleep

So, I slept over 9 hours last night. My sleep number is off the charts this week for me. Meaning I am sleeping well. I am sleeping different,  that's for sure, and my watch thinks it's good. 

Yesterday was busy,  cleaning, painting,  food prep, continue cleaning dishes throughout food prep. I have one coat of paint on the other half of the closet left. I was going to do it yesterday, but it was taking awhile to dry, and I actually did get tired, so I put my stuff away for today. It won't take long. 

I work tomorrow. And will have another week off. Having weeks off of work isn't really fun. When would I have ever done that painting project though?  Never probably.  Still I don't get a great feeling of accomplishment. Oh, I did laundry yesterday too. 

I have to take my dad to the VA today, to get a mental checkup. He's doing it cuz he wants to drive *legally*  We figure he should stay in a home. Social security would set him up nicely with a dementia type diagnosis. At least a significant decrease in mental abilities. 

Life is all very exciting when you receive a get out of jail free card. I had my dad move in with me. His rent expense alone went from $1200/month to $200/month. I even took care of his car insurance for 1-1/2 years. He didn't join the old people workout place. He wanted to play handball, which no one plays anymore. 

Then he kept getting kicked out of bars.  All of a sudden I am on speed dial for the Holland PD. It seems to me people who receive a get out of jail free card continue to do stupid stuff. A couple years down the road, and your life is a mess again. 

You hear of people who win the lottery, and 5 years later they are broke again. That is common I am guessing. People gravitate to the shit that made their life a mess in the first place. 

Probably cuz they didn't understand what got them in their predicament in the first place. 

Anyway, whatever. My life goes on. My first week off I watched very little tv. For me it just isn't natural to have it on during the day. I am hoping too, when I return to work I won't be appreciably tired, cuz I was lazy during my time off. 

Smart right?  I know I know, you dont have to tell me.    ;)

I spose.  

Laterzzzzzzzz.     :)

xoxo.       :)

xxoo.     :)

Byeeeeeeeee.       :)))

MWAH.      :)

Thursday, November 26, 2020

I Am So Over Painting

I prepped, primed, and put two coats of primer on half the closet wall. I planned doing half, cuz clothes moved to one side for one half, and then move to the other side to do the other half. I am tired of painting, but maybe it was just the day. My dad called me 4 times through the night. He said he butt dialed me, but he was probably trying to call the hooker heroin addict. So my sleep wasn't great. My dad has no idea how to use any gadget pretty much. 

With age that happens I guess. Technology keeps going, and we slow down. I dont use a computer anymore. I used to spend hours on one each day. I use my phone now, but not for hours each day. I guess I did play a lot of this stupid football game yesterday, so maybe I can spend a lot of time on the phone. There is an app that resembles the old tecmo bowl from the old Nintendos from back in the early 90s.  

Anyway, between bad sleep cuz my dad kept calling me in the middle of the night, and a cold rainy shitty day I wasn't feeling the painting thing. This morning I feel fine though. I slept really good. 

I am probably going to finish the painting. I do have to do some cooking though. Its thanksgiving you know. I filed for unemployment,  so I have to update in two weeks. It shouldn't be a problem. Not sure how much I'll get. It is $362/week less my 8 hours from my 2nd job, but I think there is still a kick in from the feds. Not sure what that is. Maybe there isn't too,  I am not sure. We'll see in two weeks. 

It should just be for two weeks. The World sure is different compared to last year. I don't even remember what last year was like. It wasn't like this. I dont remember Thanksgiving though. The years are a blur. 

We think we are creating memories, but I have none from last thanksgiving or even prior ones. I have almost no sentimentality at all.  I am not lonely, I am not sad. I miss no one, so its hard to be sentimental if you have no reason to be. 

It's just life. I find myself living it in a pretty easy fashion. Not a ton to worry about.  I just got an email from unemployment. I am still not sure how much I get. Maybe $160 on top of my $362 less 8 hours. Maybe $600, I have no clue. There was a step for verifying income, but not w2 income. 1099 stuff,  like contact work I guess,  which I don't have. Kinda confusing.  I think it will be like last time.  How many hours did you work at the bakery?  How many at ASBS?  Then I'll get my amount. 

Anyway, its thanksgiving. It seems like maybe i could afford a lazy day, but I think I'll finish the painting.  

Laterzzzzzzzz.       :)

xoxo.       :)

xxoo.       :)

Byeeeeeeeee.       :)))

MWAH.       :)

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Days Off Don't Feel Like Days Off

It is hard to keep track of days when you have a week off. I did not start on my closet yesterday, time just got away. The paint guy mixed the wrong color paint, so I had to exchange it. I picked up Prime rib, and other groceries. Time just got away. I finished the 2nd coat of the basement walls, and it was time to start dinner. I also juiced a LOT of apples. We were going to bake ~100 apple pies at the bakery,  and we baked zero. We still had apples. I have a juicer, so I can take a lot. It is pretty shocking how little juice you get out of produce. Also shocking how much juice gets sold. it takes a lot of oranges to make 1 quart of orange juice. Same with apples. 

So I have volume shock,  same as when I was contemplating who is picking all these cucumbers?  Restaurants have pickles, grocery stores have pickles,  and cucumbers. One town like Holland,  MI would seem to need a ridiculous amount of cucumbers needed to fill restaurants, grocery stores etc...  extrapolate that outwards, and it is inconceivable. Then you wonder who is picking these cucumbers?  

Anyway, I guess the World has a lot of people,  and we need a lot of food. I guess we don't need a lot. I imagine a good percentage of people eat more than they need,  or eat fast food a lot. Maybe calories in-minus burning very little- just does the damage. I eat more when I work. Yesterday, I ate something for breakfast, can't remember what, and I had one of my salads around 2:00pm, then dinner. 

When I work I eat something early, a sandwich, fruit, a salad, and I'll probably eat something after work too. Then I'll have dinner after. Just something I noticed. 

Anyway, life goes on. I sure am getting older. I once was young, but that was a long time ago. I am a grown up now. I dont remember really what it was like to be young. I am not interesting really. I'll never get a million followers on tik tok. I know I know what you are thinking. Doesn't one need to download the app to get 1 million followers?  That's just minor details.  You get the idea. 

What I mean is I am fine with me. I dont need some great name. I dont need to be famous. I accept my little life, and I am fine with it. 

We are here on this earth a short while,  and then we die. I am pretty okay with how things turned out. I am getting older, but I am pretty content. There isn't a lot of have to in my life. The have tos I have I like to do, like work,  and stuff. I dont have to mail out Christmas cards, and worry about other people.  A lot of the unwritten rules do not even apply to me.  Very little baggage I guess.  

Anyways, I spose.  

Laterzzzzzzzz.       :)

xoxo.      :)

xxoo.      :)

Byeeeeeeeee.      :)))

MWAH.      :)

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

A Success

So yesterday went pretty good. I got two coats on the walls, and ceilings going down the stairs. I have to put the 2nd coat on the basement wall. I ran out of paint. It came out good. We did the electric project, made tacos, took Hope. I didn't get my bike ride in, but I was beat by the end of the day. So it was like a work day really,  but one where I don't get paid, except by my house being improved. 

I am going to run to Meier today, hopefully to get a prime rib for dinner. Finish the 2nd coat, and start on the closet. I guess the best thing about yesterday was getting the 2nd coat up. The clock said it was early enough to start working so I did it. It might be  that act that put my day over the top. 

I also saw a blurb about a girl who has 100 million followers on tik tok. I googled her to see what the fuss was about. A cute girl of 15 who dances. Okay. 

Besides that I guess that is it. Not much going on with me. I like to be busy with labor. It keeps me in a good place mentally. 

I spose I can start my day. 

Laterzzzzzzz.     :)

xoxo.     :)  

xxoo.     :)

Byeeeeeeeee.      :)))

MWAH.     :)

Monday, November 23, 2020

A Big Stretch

So, I have a big stretch of  days off, but it doesn't feel that way. I already have anxiety of getting everything done. I feel my list today is kinda big, but we will see. 

I don't feel very relaxed, cuz I have a bunch to do. Kinda like a work day. A bunch of stuff needs to get done, so you are busy, and all of a sudden it's time for dinner. I know when dinner comes around I feel pretty good about my day. I  think today should be  the same as long as I get my list done. Not my whole list, but today's list. I already feel way better during this mandatory time off. Last time I guess was unexpected,  and I wasn't always super productive on days off maybe. Not sure. 

I slept good last night again, so that's good. I feel refreshed. I am having a coffee. It is still dark out. I have to take Hope, ride my bike,  workout,  and paint. I did dishes yesterday after work. I could probably stand to do a load of laundry. There is dinner, and an electrical project across the street. The day will fill up. Not sure what to do for dinner at all. I'll probably just do tacos. 

There I feel pretty good about the day already. I think maybe cuz I am organizing the day by thinking it out on my blog. I know hardly anyone blogs anymore. It is soooooo 2010, but it still seems to serve a purpose for me. Makes me think about my day I guess. You have to do more planning though on a day off, cuz it isn't my norm. 

Anyway, I spose.  

Laterzzzzzzzz.       :)

xoxo.        :)

xxoo.        :)

Byeeeeeeeee.       :)))

MWAH.       :)  

Sunday, November 22, 2020

I Am Up A Little Early

I am up early so I can go into work early. Yesterday I didn't sleep that great, so I started the day tired, which sucks. Just cuz i had a day off, and I had to get things done. I did take Hope,  and I went on another bike ride. I felt better after my bike ride. I started prepping one of my walls. Turns out you can't put drylok over previously painted walls, so after prepping I just primed. I don't need drylok as there is no moisture, but I would have done it. A nice paint job now will last a long time. I did a good job prepping. I'll have to do the closet later. This is a bigger job maybe than I expected. Not really sure though what I expected, so who knows?  

There was more pressure to get stuff done yesterday, cuz I have to work today. I won't get anything done today, so I needed to get to a good place to stop. I did. It was another successful day off, and after today I have a full week off. I can get a lot done, and I already added another project to my list. It isn't just this week off I have either. I have the next week off too. 

My quads are a bit fatigued after riding my bike. It would be a good thing to add to my repertoire. I really felt pretty great after riding my bike yesterday. 

That was my day. I made Italian beef in the slow cooker, watched some football,  and must have fallen asleep early. Lisa came home from across the street,  and I was crashed on the couch. So, I went to bed. I think I was going to stay up, and watch some of the Michigan football game, but I didn't make it.  :)  who starts a game in the middle of the night at 7:30 PM?  ;)

Anyways, I spose. Better get ready for work. I got two books ready to go. I'll probably finish one, so I have the backup. 

Laterzzzzzzzz.      :)

xoxo.      :)

xxoo.     :)

Byeeeeeeeee.       :)))

MWAH.       :)

Saturday, November 21, 2020

So Far So Good

Yesterday I stayed pretty busy. I did get all the leaves done. It  took me close to 4 hours I think. I thought it would be quicker,  but it isn't even Thanksgiving,  and my outside work is done. I got my bike ride in, and I took the dogs. 

I can start my paint project today. Basically drylok a closet,  and another area downstairs. Paint is chipping, so I'll scrape,  wash, and put drylok on. Plus I am going to paint the walls going down the stairs. I have no idea how long that will take. I do work tomorrow,  and  then have all of next week off. That is a lot of days off in a row. I think I'll be okay with it. 

You definitely have to have projects. You can't watch tv all day can you?  I didn't turn mine on til... well I didn't. Lisa turned it on when we were eating dinner. I know my dad watched tv all day long. That is an easy way to poison yourself mentally. 

Personally it wouldn't surprise me if excessive tv watching leads to alzheimers. You need to get outside to be healthy right?  

Anyway, I felt yesterday was a success. I was tired at the end of the day. I was busy, steps were pretty good. I enjoyed my bike ride. You notice a lot about the surrounding neighborhoods. You forget how much more you see by biking. You see nice houses, and some people let go to shit. 

I do wonder what is going to happen with restaurants and stuff. To have so many close down at the same time. In two weeks everything is going to be fine, and we will open up again?   The bakery will open,  but the sit down places. I did go to an indoor sit down place like 4 times since this started. I felt safe. I just don't really do it much. Even before the pandemic. Some people eat multiple meals a day at sit down places. I guess they hate their money.  :)

Whatever. I got some projects,  and some time off. I can't control future outcomes of things I have no control of. I'll keep me safe as much as I can. 

Laterzzzzzzzz.      :)

xoxo.       :)

xxoo.     :)

Byeeeeeeeee.      :)))

MWAH.     :)

Friday, November 20, 2020

So, I Got A Plan

Since I will be having a lot of time off (for me), I came up with a plan. I made a to do list of things I want to get done. I may add more if I finish too quickly, which is possible. I don't think it is too much for me to do, but it will keep me busy for a while. 

Included in my list are bike rides,  and taking the dogs etc...  I really just want to stay busy. Work,  labor, even though its not the paying type of labor. That's exciting right?  I mean what else are you gonna do?  

So I made a leg of lamb yesterday. It was good. I realized I eat lamb plenty. Gyros. Duh. I buy that meat premade though. definitely different. 

Today I want to get my leaves done,  so the outside work is finished. Then I want to buy supplies for my painting projects. I can get an early start tomorrow with that. I got my workout in yesterday, so I can do that again tomorrow. 

I really am excited about my time off which is surprising. I think it's because I still am going to work. Just doing different stuff. 

I saw the Lions quarterback's wife went off.  Lol. Who cares?  I am sure her life is a real struggle. Why would anyone care what the heck she thinks?  I know her struggles are real. Her husband makes a shit load of money for losing a lot of NFL games. She had 3 small kids at least. Maybe more, and that is a struggle. Kids aren't angels. They are monsters basically. 

Whatever. Some people become way too important in their own minds. 

Today,  I have a day planned. Its still dark, so I'll ride my bike first. Can't do leaves in the dark. 

Should be a pretty fun day. 

Laterzzzzzzz.      :)

xoxo.     :)

xxoo.      :)

Byeeeeeeeee.     :)))

MWAH.       :)

Thursday, November 19, 2020

A Different Life After Today

Today is my last day of my regular job for a while. Over 2 weeks actually. So that will be different. In a good way I think. As a once in a lifetime thing I hope. I am going to make the most of it. That's the plan anyway. 

I don't have goals to catch up on whatever tv shows,  but actually to clean the house top to bottom, and be active outside. Plus workout of course. 2 weeks you cannot change your life really, but you can do productive stuff. That's what I want to do. The only new thing for me is fat tire bike rides for the exercise of it. Not as a commute. It's been a bit since I've ridden any bike not as a commute. Plus I'll still take the dogs of course. 

Its kinda exciting I guess. Besides that not much. I am going to cook lamb tonight for dinner. Not sure if I've ever had it. I think I did as a kid 1000 years ago, but i don't remember it. I think it has a unique flavor from what I remember,  just don't remember if I liked it or not. Might as well try something new. 

That's about it for today. Nothing major planned besides that. Tomorrow starts my day off for two days. I still work Sundays at my 2nd job. 

Anyway my life starts new after today. For just a short while.  Today won't be a real long work day I don't think. A lot of packaging basically. Those 640 quick breads for a company, and currant bread and buns for another. Some cleaning too. 

Anyway that is about it. Nothing major going on with me, and not a lot on my mind. Another day today I spose. 

Laterzzzzzzzz.    :)

xoxo.     :)

xxoo.     :)

Byeeeeeeeee.     :)))

MWAH.      :)

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

It Was Kinda Nice Leaving Work Early

It just added a couple hours to my day. I cleaned the kitchen,  did all the dishes, took the dogs, made dinner. I went to bed early too, since I watched the Bears game the night before. Today we will probably leave early too. I'll finish the leaves one of these days. Trees are finally mostly empty in the back. I may do laundry today too. Get ahead. 

Not really a lot going on with me. Just doing the life thing in these crazy times. 

Closing down restaurants makes for a lot of food waste. Some shit you can't freeze. Are people finally over curbside yet?  What happens in 2-1/2 weeks?  All of a sudden we are safe from spreading covid?  

People are still complaining about wearing masks I think. I wear a mask. I socially distance. I wasn't going out to eat anyway. I am not having get togethers,  and not going to any. It helps being fine by myself. I don't need others to make me feel good about me. I don't need to really be sociable.  I am not lonely,  I am not sad. Its life. Easy peasy. 

No worries for me really. I'll take some time off from work. Do a couple painting projects I think. Nothing major. Do some crazy cleaning. I think the time off will be okay. 

I am mentally prepared this time around I think. You do have to be ready for such a drastic change. I know what I will be getting into this time around. 

It's really kinda weird being up for work, and not even planning ahead for the weekend or the next week. Baking is like playing chess in a way. Your always thinking 3-4 moves ahead. In this case days. 

I feel calm, and at ease.  The World may be going to Hell, but internally I feel fine. 

I  think I'll have some eggs for breakfast. 

Laterzzzzzzzz.     :)

xoxo.      :)

xxoo.      :)

Byeeeeeeeee.       :)))

MWAH.     :)

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Back In The Breezeway

I am sitting in  the breezeway doing this. First time I think since last winter. Its comfy in the winter with our vent free heater. 

Prepandemic I lost my wedding band, due to skinny fingers. We finally replaced it yesterday. You get used to a wedding ring, it's weird when you lose it. You lose it long enough wearing one is weird again. 

I am going to work a short week, and then have two weeks off. The business is just going to shut down for 3 weeks. Covid is hovering near us. Family members of employees have it, so it's just a matter of time before we have a major exposure probably. 

It would actually be bad business to take all the thanksgiving orders, and not be able to fill them. We are not set up to be able  to handle even 2 people going down. So we will open up again in 3 weeks, just in time for busy Christmas. 

My thought is what am I going to do with my time off to reinvent myself so to speak? I am thinking of taking some physical challenges of some sort. Also do a deep cleaning of the house. Use the gift of time to my benefit somehow. This week we are just going to fill outstanding orders, and clean at work. I'll get paid for 40 hours, and collect unemployment for the two weeks after. 

I did stay up and watch a good amount of the Bears game. They were up by one in the 2nd half when I shut the tv off. They don't have any good offensive players at all. 149 yards of offense. You could just cut the whole offense really. They resigned a running back earlier in the year, who I don't think has ever had a good run from scrimmage. 5 years however much money. He blew out his knee the next game. He's a receiver out of the backfield basically. He does punt returns too. He's nothing great. 

We don't have a QB, and no receivers who are really true great receivers. No running backs who are really good,  and the O line sucks so you are looking at a rebuild. The defense is okay,  but they will be old by the time we potentially have even an average offense. Major changes coming to that team. I'd burn the place down. 

So anyway a new day,  and a different few weeks. An unintended vacation. I will just have to make the most of it. 

I guess that is about it. Nothing to see here. Today should be a short work day I assume. I can clean the house and make dinner. 

Laterzzzzzzzz.      :)

xoxo.      :)

xxoo.     :)

Byeeeeeeeee.      :)))

MWAH.    :)

Monday, November 16, 2020

That Was My Sunday

Good morning. How's it going?  Me, I am fine. So we are shutting down bars and restaurants again. Some schools too. This time there is no unemployment benefit or payroll protection plan going on, that I know of. Where I work we are a bakery,  and basically takeout. We had outdoor seating, but no one is going to do that for a while. We may be unnaturally busy probably. 

I haven't been paying a ton of attention to restaurants,  but  the other day I drove by one, and it looked busy. I know that restaurant is typically filled with old people,  which may seem surprising,  but old people are pretty ridiculous by us.  I think they eat all their meals out. 

Over the last 9 months, I think I've eaten at an indoor seated area 4 times. It isn't going to change me any. I haven't been to a bar in that time to sit, and have drinks. 

Honestly outside maybe going out to eat a couple more times my lifestyle hasn't really changed. When we first shut down it wasn't spreading as crazy as it was now. 

I can control what I do I guess. Outside that I don't have much control over this virus. I don't really have much say whether I'll get it or not. I can just be vigilant in doing what I do. I wear a mask and socially distance. Also I am not really sociable. I am not gonna worry over that which I have little control. Things outside my sphere of influence. 

Today is a work day. I'll have to take the dogs too, and there will be dinner. Back to my boring life, which really is just boring on the outside. I like the way my silly little life is. It's good to be old enough to not caring to be social. I am not lonely, so that's good. I don't even know what lonely feels like. Is anyone lonely?  

I really don't have a lot of yearning in my heart either. I guess that's good too. The one thing to worry about is restaurant workers, and servers.  How do they pay rent/mortgage?  Shutting down for 3 weeks before Christmas is tough too if people have kids. 

Oh well. Luckily I am still working. 

Laterzzzzzzzz.     :)

xoxo.      :)

xxoo.      :)

Byeeeeeeeee.      :)))

MWAH.     :)

Sunday, November 15, 2020

The Busy Day Off

My day off was busy. You wouldn't know it by my steps,  as I was only 6 miles in, but I didn't sit down to relax, until 4:00 PM. I did get all the laundry done, shopping,  kitchen cleaned,  dinner made, Hope for a walk, workout in. I did lose the 3 pounds I gained the week before. 

I did watch a bit of football. Wow, Michigan is bad. I guess Harbaugh does suck as a coach. Now they have to find another one, and that isn't easy to find a good one. Their quarterback looks horrible. Does he even recover?  Defense is bad, offense is bad, coaching seems bad. Isn't it easy to recruit at Michigan?   A team that is really horrible is more fun, than an average team. I don't know why.   It's fun to watch misery?  

I was going to try to go to work early, but I watched the first half of the game.  Outside that not much. I was glad to get my workout in. Its one of those things you don't really feel like doing, but  you feel really good getting it done. 

What else?  Not much. It just seemed like a busy day. I have a lot more leaves fall in the back yard. That sucks. I'll probably tackle them late in the week. Hope to have more fall. 

My life goes on. It's busy. Even my one day off each week is usually busy. I like that though. I think I used to want lazy days off, and now I want to get things done. Is that aging?  The desire to stay busy, and get stuff done. I used to be excited for the weekends,  and now, I am glad I don't take two days off in a row. 

I guess I don't seek out a better life. This one is good. I am glad I stay busy. You have no idea. 

Anyway, I spose I got nothing. I do have a book to listen to though. Seems like it is interesting. 

Laterzzzzzzzz.      :)

xoxo.      :)

xxoo.      :)

Byeeeeeeeee.      :)))

MWAH.       :)

Saturday, November 14, 2020

Another Day

Yesterday was just another day. We are gearing up for Thanksgiving. For work,  not for at home. I have no  idea what that will even be like. Covid is just exploding. You just kinda gotta assume it is everywhere.  What else can you think about it?  It would not be ideal to be a 20-something right now. Weekends were for going out. See people,  be seen, meet strangers, and fall in love for one night.  :)  Whatever it is we did back then. 

We will see how this goes. What is Thanksgiving travel like?  What type of gatherings?  We will do the small gathering we always do. I always worked the day after Thanksgiving so nothing's changed. We don't go all out on holidays either,  cuz who cares?  We make meals several times/ year. 

Anyway today is my day off. I have my day off stuff to do. I need four miles to reach 72, so that will happen. That's really about it. I work tomorrow, which is good. It's nice walking into Monday with work in my system,  and not a day off. We have a big quick bread order for a local company. 640 of them,  which is a great order, but a lot of work. Next week will be busy. We still have a normal week, plus gear up for Thanksgiving. We will be pretty busy til New Years.  That's assuming no one gets covid. Not a good time to lose labor, even for a couple days. 

Anyway, I spose.  

Not much on my mind. 

Laterzzzzzzzz.     :)

xoxo.      :)

xxoo.     :)

Byeeeeeeeee.       :)))

MWAH.      :)

Friday, November 13, 2020

The Little Things

So I got my leaves done yesterday. The front is done. There is still some in the back that need to fall, but the majority is done. I also got my radiator checked. I flushed it a week ago, and they told me to bring it back in one week to recheck the level. I just started using google assistant for stuff like that. "Remind me to check radiator in one week"  I get a reminder. Pretty nifty.  I use it for  changing my furnace filter,  and grocery list, and stuff like that. 

So anyway, I checked the levels after the leaves. Just drove the truck to the oil change place, and they topped me off.  Without the reminder I probably never would have done it. Little shit like that is pretty handy. We made a simple dinner last night, and  that was the day. I was beat by the end. 

I slept really good last night. I think I woke up once, but crashed again quick. I slept hard all the way to the alarm. I would have loved to see my sleep score, but my watch fell off sometime in the night.  Figures. 

I will probably hit my 72 miles this week. It is shaping up that way. I  think I was 38 miles the week before. I gained 3 pounds too.  :)

Yeah, not much besides that. I have tomorrow off, and that will be nice. Maybe I can get a head start on getting stuff done today. So nice to have the leaves done. 

Anyway, I guess that's about it. Michigan has exploded with covid cases. We are even getting scares near us. It appears to me it is spread socially. those who aren't living the boring married life are probably more at risk. Those who live in condos,  and apartments too I guess. 

I don't want to get it, but I feel pretty safe being in already good health. I socially distance though, and turn my head away if I come close to people. Also I don't socialize.   :)   This covid thing works perfect for me. I don't mind being social,  it's not a big deal, but I don't mind not being social. I am fine in my own head.  I do need to work though. That helps fill my day in a positive way. 

Anyway, I spose. 

Laterzzzzzzzz.     :)

xoxo.       :)

xxoo.     :)

Byeeeeeeeee.      :)))

MWAH.     :)

Thursday, November 12, 2020

On To Another Day

Yesterday after work I was tired. The night before I woke up at 1:00 AM or so, and had trouble falling asleep again. I drove, so I could pick up some groceries. I made chinese last night, which was actually really good. I sat down when I got home, and actually caught a 2nd wind. That is good, cuz garbage needed to be taken out, and dishes needed to be done. I made Chinese so a ton of veggie prep, and I made my salad for today, so a ton more veggie prep. 

I did go to bed early, and slept pretty good. I did wake up again for some reason early, but was able to sorta fall back asleep. 

I did think about me being able to go back 4 years,  and know exactly what I was thinking on almost any given day. That's kinda handy once every million days or so.  :)  I was glad I had that though for whatever stupid reason.  

I was thinking time is flying. Thanksgiving is in 2 weeks ALREADY. Christmas probably 4 weeks after that,  and already it's a new year. That shit is going to go quick. Time just goes quicker,  and quicker the older you get. 

I just wait for the golden age where we don't hear the name Trump in snippets of news. I waited for the golden age of where we didn't hear complaints about Hillary this, or Obama that. It took me a while,  but I finally learned what it meant for me. Those people are not my friends. 

I have no desire to surround myself with negative people. Life is too short for that. You want to have a marketplace of ideas I find the market lacking.  You go back to the founding fathers. and voters were white, male, landowners. Why?  They didn't want uneducated people to vote. 

Now we live in the US where higher education is frightfully expensive, so higher education tends to have a barrier to entry. School at the expense of a house sized mortgage at the end?  

What we lose in that is classes like Business Law, Non-Western Political science, philosophy. You know the stupid classes we wondered why we have to take,  and that may actually shape our thinking more than fringe websites. The problem with an educated class is the more progressive its ideas. 

Bernie Sanders has a plan. Educate the masses is what it comes down to huh?  The Catholic church has spent most of its history doing the opposite. Enjoy this serfdom life. You'll like it.  :)

I said it before just recently.  I ask very little if nothing of the government. If a person decides to out their foot in that arena, then I expect them to do their job. 

I just want to work,  eat, sleep. Inside me aren't ideas of making enemies of people I don't know. Maybe I just want to bury my head I  the sand, or maybe I just bury my head in the sand when confronted with fringe news. I don't seek that shit out. I work too fucking much to fuck around with that shit. 

Anyway, I spose. 

Laterzzzzzzzz.      :)

xoxo.       :)

xxoo.     :)

Byeeeeeeeee.      :)))

MWAH.      :)

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

What A Crazy Time We Live In

Good morning. How's it going?  Me, I am fine. I was under a little pressure to attack the leaves yesterday. I knew rain was coming. I had so many leaves fall in the last 4 or 5 days it was crazy. They were dry, and I wanted to get the majority up. In the back anyway. In the back I get a lot, and I have to take them on a tarp, or what i did yesterday was load them in the wheel barrel. The wheel barrel worked good. I'll do it that way from now on. 

So I spent a couple hours doing that, and helped Lisa with a project in the kitchen, then I made dinner. It was a busy day. I used all my energy, plus I was sore from working out. That too is crazy. My workout was just my regular one. I took like a week off,  and my muscles were shredded. Usually I feel nothing.  Crazy right?  

I just went back to November 2016 on my blog. I wrote I was surprised Trump won. I didn't feel it really mattered to me. I said Hillary had baggage for whatever reason. I wrote I didn't think white men who run various organizations into bankruptcy will make good Presidents. I accepted the results,  and hoped for the best. 

I hoped I didn't get fined anymore for not being able to afford health insurance. Obamacare did not help me in the least. Expensive as fuck, cuz I make too much money, and high deductibles. I get sick I am fucked anyway. So my company offered very good health insurance. 

I have zero ambitions as far as politics goes. I don't want anything from the government except they do their jobs. I'd appreciate decency. You have a pandemic,  I feel it's their job to take care of those things. Don't make your own judgements about shit you know nothing about. People study that shit. We are going down the same road career politicians did in 1918. Making the same mistakes. 

There is no hope for us. Everybody is a goddamn genius about everything. So well learned everybody is. I did say I wouldn't have to hear shit about Hillary,  and that black socialist from Kenya,  but that never really ended. 

So 4 years later I just stopped liking a lot of people.  I said 4 years ago, on the day after the election (which I had no problem accepting the results from) I would,  work,  eat, and sleep on that day. I was gonna skip my run, cuz I stayed up late watching election results. 

Nothing has changed too with me, except news posters I no longer see. I did say I was strong back then. On my own. I am not a surety to anyone. Least of all a stranger. As it turns out you all are strangers to me. 

You live a life I have no interest in. I would rather be me every single day over you. 

Now that's winning.  

Laterzzzzzzzz.      :)

xoxo.       :)

xxoo.      :)

Byeeeeeeeee.       :)))

MWAH.       :)

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Back To Normal Is Better

Good morning. How's it going?  Me, I am fine. Yesterday was a full day, and I liked it. A little pep to my step. I had work, took my dad grocery shopping, got my workout in. (I am sore today)  I had chill time, and cut some beach grasses, and put it out to the road. The city will pick it up. 

For dinner I tried something new for me. A 3 bean salad. You never think to get it, cuz of macaroni salad, and potato salad yadda yadda yadda. I thought what the heck. It's good. I like it. Basically green beans, wax beans, and kidney beans in a vinaigrette. Right up my alley. 

Anyway,  that was about it. I think today I'll tackle the leaves. At least get started on it. I have so many in the back. It is windy outside too. So I am sure there will be a ton more. It will be nice to have the leaves done by Thanksgiving. Some years our back corner tree we have to wait til Christmas, and however the snow goes maybe Spring. 

It is supposed to be warm all day, and cool down tonight with some rain. Say good bye to our week of 70° weather in November. 

Yesterday was good. I think vacation is good too. It's not always my favorite,  but I feel recharged. My normal was taken away, and I got it back. 

See?  Back to my normal boring life. I like it. Today will be more of the same. A busy day at work, and try and get a lot of leaves done. You see I'll be busy, and then there will be dinner. It is how I feel fulfilled at days end. It's a good life when it's like this. Remember how I thought it would be cool to write a book, I always have a little distance running yearning, but if you followed along for a while my knee doesn't cooperate. I don't really need those to feel content, fulfilled whatever. I do pretty good with my day to day. I think the best thing is I don't drink right when I get home. I actually do more work. 

Anyway, I am pretty excited about things. Things look good. 

One thing about me though. I learned it as time went on, and it hit me while I was working out. I do like pushing myself, and am not against the feeling of muscle fatigue. Yesterday I knew I was in for some pain trouble when my muscles felt jello'ey. I worked them. Not more than usual, but after time off. You can lose it quickly. I enjoyed the effort I put in. 

Anyway.  I spose. 

Laterzzzzzzzz.     :)

xoxo.      :)

xxoo.     :)

Byeeeeeeeee.       :)))

MWAH.      :)

Monday, November 9, 2020

Back At It I Guess

How I ever woke up at 2:30 AM every day before is beyond me. Now i get up at 3:45, and I like that extra sleep. Hope is a little hobbled today, so I won't be taking her for a walk. She jumped off the couch funny a couple nights ago. 

Anyway all my football teams suck. I usually root for Michigan, and they are horrible. The Bears lost by a touchdown,  but it wasn't close. Sunday I worked,  so I listened to the game once I finished listening to my book. 

My Saturdays will be busy now, cuz it is my day off. College football I can't watch unless I get my stuff done. This year who knows anyway. Covid is wreaking havoc everywhere. Are they going to play college basketball?  That usually starts around Thanksgiving. I don't even know. 

The future will be interesting. Just  to see if we can contain the virus. It is just very contagious I guess, and that's the problem. Maybe we don't spread the flu so much this year,  since we will all wear masks. I got a flu shot, and mostly cuz I think its important to help give my body the tools to defend against it. 

My life will be pretty busy through Christmas. Work, leaves, maybe snow eventually, regular busy, ceiling, etc...  I think it will be okay. I like life like that. 

Today is a work day, and those are the best days. Yesterday I listened to a book, listened to the Bears,  by  the time I got home I was over 20,000 steps. I think it was 70 degrees outside so I sat outside for a while. Marveling at how many leaves were on the ground. Also marveling at how Hope would not limp if it was play time, only to hobble back.   :)  stupid dog. 

Anyway, I spose.  It will be 10:00 AM today, and I'll probably have more steps in already, than a non work day. I have to work out today too, cuz I didn't do that on vacation. I kinda enjoyed the time off, but I have to get back to it. Not sure what to do for dinner.  

Laterzzzzzzzz.      :)

xoxo.      :)

xxoo.     :)

Byeeeeeeeee.       :)))

MWAH.      :)

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Alarms Back On

I can't really say I slept later a ton than when working, but I sleep different.  Not really better either. You can imagine how important sleep is when you have ~ 13 miles in your legs all tied to the day's labor. Sleep just comes. I am not the best vacationer, but it was fine. 

I did get some stuff done. We did more of the ceiling. It isn't a one person job in most cases, cuz a lot of pieces are 8' long. For shorter pieces one person can do them. Lisa started taking days off on Friday. We got our original 5 packages up. I bought 3 more. We can get those up, and you are getting close to the end. We will have to buy more after that. 

We had some more wind,  so yesterday when I woke up it didn't even look like I did leaves the day before. A lot of leaves fell, and a lot still have to fall.  What can you do?  

I am excited for work to start again. That's my normal. I like my normal. You can imagine the excitement of a meal after a day's labor. And the fulfilling sleep afterwards. I haven't read the Bible in 1000 years, but it wouldn't surprise me if something is said about that in Ecclesiastes. 

Why don't I read the bible?  For reasons you cannot comprehend. The word is a sword, and I don't have understanding. It judges me to the quick,  and I cannot protect myself. 

You can imagine my shock and surprise when my eyes were open to see the sword for how it is. I was taught pretty quickly it is of little use without understanding. 

Anyway the election is over. It will end up being a mandate of sorts. Maybe over 300 electoral college votes, and what will end up being approaching 5 million vote lead in total. Personally I have no agenda I want followed. I'd like my $2400.  :)  Obviously I'd like a plan to combat this virus. Yesterday ended up being another one of those super spreader events. What are people thinking?  

Nobody remembers the parade after WWI ended. We do remember how the flu spread afterwards. As I expected this thing is spread via social activities. Left, and right. Good thing I am not social.  :)

I thought the Trump presidency was pretty bad. He got his people out to vote though. Do you kinda feel the pressure drop though. Like maybe Mitch McConnell, and Biden don't have to be asses to each other. 

There will be differences to how much money to spend. I am not a currency printer person. I have to live with a budget. There had to be some type of reconciliation between inflows, and outflows. The federal level is the only area where money can be printed. States have to be careful. We have a pandemic. I think it is safe to say all states are fucked. It isn't just New York,  Detroit,  etc...  it is states being affected, not just cities. Rural areas too, where access to healthcare is much more limited. 

That's the hard part of Governing. It is what people sign up for, typically. It isn't my job, and I don't want it. I'd like my $2400, and I'll stay socially distant, unlike the majority I guess. 

As to the finances, I'll try, and look after my own house.  

Laterzzzzzzzz.      :)

xoxo.       :)

xxoo.      :)

Byeeeeeeeee.      :)))

MWAH.      :)

Saturday, November 7, 2020

Back To Normal

Hey, I go back to work tomorrow. I am ready. I did another round of leaves yesterday. The front yard is pretty much done. The back yard had a big batch yesterday,  and we will have other major dumps in the back too. A week off is definitely way too much time. House labor just doesn't feel the same as job labor. It isn't either, my steps will be about half their normal. 

It is definitely not my thing. We did do a couple other things too. Put these insulating boards around our foundation. They are expensive, but we only needed one box. We have some mildew from condensation, and we think that will help. Just in the wintertime obviously. Another one of those shitty jobs you don't really want to do, but it is nice to get it done. Today we will get another couple packages done of the ceiling. We are going out to lunch today too. Yesterday the timing didn't work out. Plus I wasn't hungry, due to the huge omelette for breakfast. 

So next week I'll get back to normal. Work,  eat, sleep. Too much downtime just isn't my thing. I'll never be able to retire. I'll just get old. What do people do to fill their time when retired I wonder. Seems like it would be awful. 

The election is still going on. Right wing conspiracies are going crazy as you can imagine. I do know why Trump didn't want mail in ballots. It would increase turnout. As you see the popular vote, and how it trends that isn't a good thing for the right side,  although they still show their I voted stickers all the time. 

Trump ran a good campaign, he got his people out to vote on election day. There is a pandemic going on. Georgia went blue, under a Republican governor, and secretary of state. Republicans did very good with Senate,  and house votes. Trump had baggage for whatever reason, as did Hillary for whatever reason. That hurts at the ballot box, and still the pandemic goes crazy. I don't know how these people are getting it. Its gotta be a social thing. 

Anyway the internet makes for crazy information. a crazy amount, and crazy content.  I don't get my news from YouTube, Facebook,  or Twitter. I am never on YouTube,  and rarely on the others. Peace of mind I guess = keeping a safe distance from the crazy. 

Glad I have a busy life, and as important is I am glad I enjoy it. A dinner after a day of honest labor is a pretty remarkable thing. Ya gotta like to work though, and I do. 

Anyway, I spose.  

Laterzzzzzzzz.      :)

xoxo.       :)

xxoo.     :)

Byeeeeeeeee.      :)))

MWAH.      :)

Friday, November 6, 2020

A Lot Of Leaves Fell Overnight

Good morning. How's it going. I had another pretty relaxing day yesterday. I got some stupid shit done you never want to do during a normal week. Haircut,  oil change, flush the radiator, and power steering fluid. Truck is over 100,000 miles,  so it's one of  those things you do. Not one of those things you want to do, but it is definitely peace of mind stuff. I did some more shopping, but no buying. Made dinner,  and did dishes. Not much else. 

My sleep is weird, cuz my schedule is so weird. A lot of leaves just fell though, so I am about to go out again. Nice to have all the leaves fall by Thanksgiving. A lot of times we have to wait til Christmas. 

That's about it really. I am on vacation,  and the weather has been great. I could see where people can get used to not working. It's kinda relaxing. I personally like money coming in though. The schedule/routine is my bread and butter though. Too many days off in a row, and I end up wasting a shit ton of time. When I am working I don't have time to waste. 

I think I'll make an omelette,  and get to work. I figure I can work for a few hours, and maybe go to lunch,  and have a beer again.  :)    lol

Laterzzzzzzzz.      :)

xoxo.      :)

xxoo.       :)

Byeeeeeeeee.       :)))

MWAH.      :)

Thursday, November 5, 2020


So, I had to take my dad to walmart for an eye exam, so I decided to go shopping. I went to Lowes for more ceiling stuff, and a couple other things. I stopped by Bed Bath & Beyond, cuz who doesn't like to buy stuff for the kitchen?  I went to the bookstore to check out some books. I wanted to buy some, but I can probably get some at the library, also I am cheap,  and also my Sherlock Holmes book is huge. 

I actually found it kinda relaxing to shop. It was a day off too. which I guess I am getting better at. Oh, I stopped at Sam's club too. I was gonna go to another place, but my dad called. We went out to lunch. I had a half of beer with lunch. I do like a beer with lunch. Not that I ever go out to lunch anymore. 

I ended up not doing much yesterday. Watched some election stuff. Happy to report Michigan went blue. The West side of the state is still heavily Republican,  but it is shifting slowly. I still am shocked how many people came out to vote for a bad President. I don't get it. This is the complete disconnect between me and them. Also the unwillingness for me to want to even get to know those people. 

I am not in charge of building bridges. So I don't. I've done my bit,  and willing to do more. As to changing the World, nope. The World will lead to division. No way around it. 

As I always say, I have my day to day. This election will be over soon I assume, and that's it. Onto bigger and better things I guess. I really want the $2400  :)  Especially after my shopping extravaganza yesterday.  ;)    I am glad I kept my winter bike. If you've been in the market for bikes you know there was a shortage this year, I am assuming cuz shipping,  and the pandemic. Bikes are expensive,  and I didn't really need a new one. The tendency of people is if they have money they spend it. It's fun, but I am more of a saver I guess. I keep my life simple in that regard. 

Work, eat, sleep. This week not so much work,  and that's fine. 

Anyhoo, I think I'll start my day. Blogging is easier when its tied to a normal day. On vacation I am just letting myself go so to speak. Still blogging, but it's more chore~y when I am not in any routine at all. 

Laterzzzzzzzz.      :)

xoxo.      :)

xxoo.     :)

Byeeeeeeeee.     :)))

MWAH.      :)

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

I Guess I Learned Some Stuff About Myself

Firstly, I don't know or even want to know like half the US population. What makes them tick is far beyond my understanding. Yesterday was a no brainer. A referendum on 4 horrible years of a Presidency.  Biden still looks like he will probably win, but it is closer than I predicted. Not that I am in the habit of predicting these things. In my small World this was a no brainer. Easy easy. Rural America I will never know. I won't ever know those people or understand them. 

I did sleep pretty good last night. I did wake up once, stupidly checked my phone, but eventually did fall asleep again. It was kinda nerve racking for a bit. Regardless,  hopefully the 70+ Presidential elections are done. 

The political landscape will change dramatically. I believe the left part of the Democratic party will take charge, and go big. There is no point for them to try and sway rural voters. Actually the only way is make politics about them, and their interests, and not 1950 slogans that really don't mean shit. 

I will retire from politics, and news again. I have my day to day, and that is kinda what I do. I do want to see $2400 in stimulus. I was gonna put that toward the pool. :)  Not that it matters much, I have plenty of money, but I don't want to spend it. I am that guy. 

On the bright side we have a pandemic, so that puts any thought of travel out of my mind. Traveling is so expensive. Airplanes,  rental cars, hotels. and eating out. I don't relax when I spend a shit ton of money. 

You know what else?  I don't relax with downtime. I had the day off yesterday, and I wasn't at peace. I can't turn off my motor. Days off labor aren't the same for me as job labor. Why I don't know. 

Anyway, today is a day. The election is still going on. I don't know how long this will take. I got shit to do. I have my life, and my day to day. It isn't my responsibility to affect elections, and what happens after. Neither is in my power,  and I won't spend too much time dwelling on it. No voter is going to be in a better spot than me one week from now. 

I'll be back to normal, and my normal is fine. I guess its time for me to delete news apps.   :)

Laterzzzzzzzz.     :)

xoxo.       :)

xxoo.      :)

Byeeeeeeeee.       :)))

MWAH.      :)

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Got A Start

I got a good start to our ceiling. It's going to take a bit longer than expected. Also, I totally miscalculated the number of packages I'll need. For some reason I was thinking each package was the equivalent of a 8'x4' piece, but each package is only 14 sf, so I have to buy more. It is a thing we can do a couple packages every day, so not a biggie. 

I did get inexplicably tired yesterday. Like go to bed at 7:00 PM tired. I did read my Sherlock Holmes book before sleeping. I did get all the laundry done though,  and dishes. I took Hope too, so it was an okay day. I really couldn't have done much more, since I was so tired. I do have to go grocery shopping today, work on the ceiling, and cut, and bag grass/leaves. 

I know I said I'd watch election results,  but that's not written in stone. 

What else?  Not much. I think I am getting better at days off in that I keep busy. I have work I want to get done, so I do. Life has always been better if my days are filled with labor. A feeling of accomplishment I guess. 

Besides that not much I guess. Today is election day, and I am so over election season. I am my own person,  and I choose to associate with who I choose. Basically no one I guess. just living my life in the time of covid, which really isn't any different than before covid. I know I used to sit and have a few beers at a bar once in a while,  but I may have graduated from that before covid. I don't remember. 

In a world where people feel the need to be sociable,  I don't,  cuz I am happy internally. I can just do my day to day, and I am fine with it. I don't need more out of life. I imagine few people can say that. I am not lonely,  I don't miss anyone. I am good on my own you know?  

Anyway, I spose. 

Laterzzzzzzzz.       :)

xoxo.       :)

xxoo.      :)

Byeeeeeeeee.      :)))

MWAH.      :)

Monday, November 2, 2020

Tomorrow Might Be Kinda Nutty Huh?

So tomorrow is the big day. I may drive to my normal poll tomorrow just to see how it looks. We are a pretty safe neighborhood that is turning more and more left as the population shifts. Old conservative white dutch people are dying. A robust economy in West Michigan brings people from all walks of life. When I first moved here our county was dry on Sundays. Now pot is legal. The World is changing, and the old white know it nothings can't stop it. 

There is still some white trash Trump supporters here too. You know. Shitty house, old pick ups,  battered wives. You know the sort. I just want to make sure those losers aren't hanging at the polls. Remind them they could be drinking Natural Light, and beating up their kids, instead of doing boring poll "watching".  

Anyway we will see. Today is my first day of vacation. I'll be busy. We are supposed to have pretty good weather this week. I have some projects to do. After yesterday's crazy wind it looks like we had some leaves fall. Lisa is off today,  so I have to wait til she wakes up. She can definitely sleep way more than me. That must be one of those internal energy things. When I wake up, I am up. I am not a hit snooze person at all. 

I am motivated to stay busy all day. It is kinda exciting actually. How much can I get done today?  I think a lot, but not if Lisa sleeps til noon. 

Anyways, I spose. I'm gonna eat breakfast, and take Hope. If you haven't voted,  and you are not a Trump supporter get out and vote. If you are a Trump supporter don't bother. 

Laterzzzzzzzz.      :)

xoxo.      :)

xxoo.      :)

Byeeeeeeeee.       :)))

MWAH.      :)

Sunday, November 1, 2020

My Last work Day For A Week

I ended up being pretty lazy yesterday. I did get all my goal stuff done, but I watched football. My brother was visiting so whatever. I did get all my tools downstairs,  and my work area is ready for  tomorrow. I took my Summer bike  downstairs too, and am fully transitioned to my winter bike. I took the dogs too. 

I could have done a lot more, but I can get a lot done Monday. What I don't get done on Monday, I can get more done on Tuesday,  and yadda yadda yadda. I'll probably watch election stuff Tuesday night. In my personal opinion this election seems different than last time. Last time I voted cuz I thought it might be close. Turns out Michigan went red. A lot of states were close. It still was an unknown,  so I was like whatever. 

The unknown is worse than I could ever imagine. I voted early, and did the mail in thing. If others feel like me, that this experiment is an epic failure than the motivation is high to vote for the blue team. I am predicting a blue wave on Tuesday, and an answer to who wins that night. I think the blue team already knows they are sitting good. 

That's just me, I obviously have no inside information,  and it could easily go the other way I guess, but I am expecting a clear winner pretty early, and that winner to be Biden. how the Senate goes I am not sure. 

Today after work I get to watch the Bears. It might be ugly. In the NFL it is hard to run. I don't see any teams really killing it. The Bears O Line isn't great, and either is our #1 running back. Our receivers aren't great, and either are our quarterbacks. Our defense is average. At best an 8-8 team. We have a team with no great skilled position players. Some good defensive players, and that's that. 

I'll watch the game though. Saints should be able to move the ball against us, and we struggle to move the ball period. 

So, that's my day. Excited to get going on Monday. It should be fun. Well kinda anyway. 

Besides that not much. Just doing the life thing. I have this week off, and then start gearing up for working at a bakery during the holiday season. A lot of places are busy during the holiday season. This year will look different. How different who knows?   That's up to people. I am the type of person that doesn't need to go out anywhere. I am not going to sit at a bar. I don't even know if they are open. I don't even feel the need to go out to eat. Covid-19 is my normal lifestyle. Happy to be at home. I don't know how others are. 

Anyway here's to another week.  Should be fun. 

Laterzzzzzzzz.      :)

xoxo.      :)

xxoo.       :)

Byeeeeeeeee.      :)))

Laterzzzzzzzz.       :)