Sunday, October 4, 2020

What A Fatty

I gained 2 pounds last week, and my body fat went up .2%.  Such a fatty. How about the week. Ride my bike only 2 days, took the dogs only 2 days, didn't drink really, and only worked out 1 day. 66 miles only too. Really though was the hunger after work. I was way more hungry after work than normal. It could be a trade off from a stiff drink to Food. Most likely is my body has to acclimate to a new normal. 

We are creatures of habit. It's why it's hard to quit a daily thing, also hard to start a daily thing. Drugs in whatever form make you feel good. Quitting those isn't easy. Even if it's just caffeine. Same with working out. Its work,  so maybe we always don't feel like doing it. Another thing last week was I sat on my ass and watched tv. What else you going to do during a week of rain?  

I think in the long run my body will acclimate, and I will be healthier. 

Yesterday was okay. We worked a full day for once. I was miraculously able to get in my regular areas. It took me longer than normal. Probably cuz I haven't been able to get in there for a few weeks. A lot of glass on the floor,  so it takes longer. They were still working all over the place. 

It is kinda shocking to see this far along during a pandemic,  a super spreader event happened at the highest levels. Science does matter. Wishful thinking is not really the best way to combat a pandemic.  You see how far along bad information can spread too. Bad information is a virus as contagious as anything. 

The World is full of bad information. You put someone in a suit, and in front of a tv, all of a sudden they have unquestioned credibility. Now it can be in a YouTube video, or podcast or radio. 

Many fall by playing follow the leader. The harsh reality is you are solo. Your life, you have to answer for it. I saw long ago all the hurtful things I did in my past. Treated childhood friends like shit, and whatnot. 

At some point I did stand on my own 2 feet. Not always with courage and strength. I had to go through the wilderness with nobody around. I had help, but I didn't know it at the time. I've gone up to the judges twice already,  and accepted my lot if that is the will. I accepted the worst end for myself if that is my job. I didn't want the worst end for myself, but I couldn't argue against it. I am no Saint,  and could not argue I was. I couldn't say I have this awesome caring heart that deserves different. 

My one goal once I found out my life is really pointless was to do whatever I am here to do. The judges told me my story will have a bad end, and I accepted it, if that is the true story. Turns out it isn't,  but the judges are more powerful than us, so you are at their mercy. 

No one is so far from help. If say a World leader is having a year where everything has gone wrong. All his plans have led to a pretty bad end. If this person finds himself sick with his life in the balance, I'd say he is being led like the thief. Being pulled as you will. Will his heart listen, or will he harden it?  No one is beyond help. Not even the proud and arrogant. Doesn't mean they will listen. 

Many are called,  but few listen. 

Anyway, I have a lot to do today. It is Sunday you know. Chicken cacciatore for dinner. Easy slow cooker meal.  

I think I'll have another cup of coffee. I wonder if that will be more normal for me too, since I wake up with my heart rate down lower than if I drank the night before. 

Laterzzzzzzzz.     :)

xoxo.      :)

xxoo.      :)

Byeeeeeeeee.       :)

MWAH.       :)))

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