Friday, October 2, 2020

Another Rainy Day

So it rained again yesterday. I got farther along on The Soprano's,  so that's good. I made chicken noodle soup for dinner, cuz it was a cold rain. Basically a lazy day after work. I did keep track of the Sox via the phone. They are improved, but pitching is a mess. That's that. Onto next year. 

It was day 1 of sober October,  and really 4 of 5 days this week already. I had some drinks on Tuesday. Nothing really to remark on it. I had a couple moments I thought it would be cool to have a drink. Mostly watching the Sopranos while people were always drinking. While they were drinking it appears there were no health ramifications. You know, how we can talk ourselves into shit in a stupid way. 

I see the President tested positive for Coronavirus. It's a risk we all face. We do our best to minimize risk,  but it can happen to any of us. I imagine you go so many days not contacting it, you feel you are good. I do kinda, but I live a pretty safe lifestyle in the time of Covid-19. I still have risk as we all do, but I minimize it as best I can. Like I've said before I live a pretty covid safe lifestyle even before covid-19 was a thing. I just don't do much. 

I guess we will see how the virus affects the President. He is 74, overweight a bit, but I don't think he has any real Health issues, besides maybe a bad diet. I would think he'd be fine, but he may have a bad couple weeks. Like living with the flu for two weeks would kinda suck. 

I still have my day to day. Money in, money out. Bringing in more than goes out, but you know how money works. Your accounts never get big enough. You want your accounts to get bigger. Let's say though tomorrow I get a random check for $100,000.  I would have nothing to spend it on. It would go into my accounts. We aren't traveling,  we don't really eat out. I don't need any vehicles,  and my house is paid off. I wouldn't quit either of my jobs. It wouldn't change my life. 

I just keep doing what I do. I did decide to start another weekly deposit thing. I have 3 savings accounts. I got money going into the Discover account every week, and my 5/3 account too. I am going to start adding to my credit union one too. Week after week. Year after year it will accumulate. Very slowly though, cuz that's how it always seems. 

Outside that not much. Just doing my daily things. This week is a strange week cuz of all the rain. I haven't been biking, I haven't taken the dogs, and I haven't worked out yet. I haven't been drinking either besides the one day. I guess I'll get back to my regular routine today. Low chances of rain. 

I spose I got nothing. 

Laterzzzzzzzz.       :)

xoxo.        :)

xxoo.       :)

Byeeeeeeeee.      :)))

MWAH.      :)

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