Wednesday, October 28, 2020

The Weather Does Matter

Good morning. How's it going?  Me, I am fine. We had two rainy days in a row,  and it kinda sucks. It's a cold rain too, which makes it worse. Luckily,  I had some things to do the last couple days after work. I picked up my winter bike,  and a few things at the store on Monday. Yesterday I got my flu shot, and second shingle vaccination. The shingle one hurts quite a bit. Like a sore muscle right on my shoulder. It hurts to touch. The flu shot is my first one to my knowledge. I was always one of those people who was like well I never get the flu, so why bother?  Listening to the book about the flu made me reconsider. Why not inject myself with the flu, so my body has practice dealing with it. Just in case. So, now I'll get a flu shot every year. 

When I got home I just sat on the couch, and did nothing. That's what rainy days do to you. Sometimes we lose a bit of spark. At least I do. I could be going through one of those valley things too. You know how I think internally we all go through minor peaks and valleys. Peaks getting us all jazzed about everything. 

Work is going good. I have a real solid start so the rest of the week is doable. It isn't always like that,  but sometimes. Come Christmas it will always be like that. A lot to do,  and not enough time. 

Today it is going to be sunny, so already I am excited. I can take the dogs after work,  get a workout in, cook dinner etc...  It will be a busy day, and those are the best. Especially with the sun out. I'll be that much closer to vacation time too. Vacation that thing that seems exciting, but it isn't.  :)    Thankfully we aren't traveling anywhere.  I hate traveling. 

Less than a  week to  go for the election. Will the noise finally stop?  The last mad scramble is upon us. Are we better off from 4 years ago?  Are we more unified?  Are we more trustful of those in power?  I think the one with the most baggage will have the most problem with turnout. We will see though. 

Whatever. Today is a day. I'll make the most of it. I'll be busy, there will be dinner,  and then sleep. 

Sounds good to me. 

Laterzzzzzzzz.   :)

xoxo.      :)

xxoo.      :)

Byeeeeeeeee.       :)))

MWAH.      :)

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