Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Early Start = Early Bed

My watch says I  fell asleep at 6:38 PM. Yesterday was busy. The early part of my work week, I have a lot to do. I want to be ahead, since I'll be on vacation next week. Also a lot of stuff needs to get done in a short amount of time.  

I did get my workout in yesterday before work. It is awesome doing it that way, but not easy to wake up early all the time. I guess it was for me, but it seems it would be hard now. I do like my sleep. Hard to believe I'll be on vacation next week. I think my project will keep me busy. Not to mention I need to winterize stuff. That isn't a lot, just bringing electric tools from the garage downstairs. My summer bike too. Insulating water spikets and stuff. 

My one goal I guess is to feel accomplished each day on vacation. Not like when the pandemic first hit. I don't want to stay  in bed til 10:00 so it doesn't take forever to get to dinner time. That's the worst. I know people are different than me. Many people love their downtime, and me I find those days most challenging. 

I do judge people against my view too. My wife loves downtime though, and thrives in it. She likes reading, doing a few things,  shopping perhaps. I guess different strokes for different folks. 

I feel like I can almost tune out election noise, which is nice. We are currently one week out. Tuesday will be interesting to say the least. Regardless someone who is pretty close to 80 years old will be in charge. I hope we graduate from this after this year. If you are close to 80 running for office I would think that is a failed life. Although if you struggle with downtime maybe 80 is hard. My dad is over 80, and I think that generation is pretty fucked up. They bring nothing new to the table. A generation of men who cannot cook, and probably rarely did their own laundry. They probably struggle with their electronic gadgets too. 

The old should not necessarily be esteemed. Especially men, because they were brought up in a different World than the one today. The same rules no longer apply. The 1950s were not real life. Its just how things are when you have to rebuild the World after everyone tried to kill each other. Some nations get rich, depending on who escapes with the least damages, and those who have a lot of natural resources. 

Don't think we are more evolved either. There is more than enough hate in the World where we could easily try and kill each other again. 

Hate is easier for us than the opposite. Hate is a fire easily spread. Beware of following those who are angry. They will not do your heart good. Vision is easily skewed if blinded by the words of the angry. Hearts are easily tempted to follow the paths of hate. Mostly I guess cuz we don't have realistic expectations about life. 

It was supposed to be better no?  Nope life has always pretty much sucked for everyone. Our hearts aren't normally given to contentment. All hearts actually need help. We aren't born with correct hearts. Few will heed that truth though. We are born thinking we are master over more than we actually are. We are born very far from the truth, but we think the opposite. 

Pretty impossible to actually escape that. I unknowingly did. my vision saw my coin was pointless,  and I pretty much powerless. So the turn. Your will not mine. As I think of the time I had nothing I really wanted out of life, cuz it all looked so dirty. 

Anyhoo, it turns out I did the right thing, and I was obedient through the trials to date. 

I spose.   

Laterzzzzzzzz.      :)

xoxo.       :)

xxoo.      :)

Byeeeeeeeee.       :)))

MWAH.      :)

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