Tuesday, October 20, 2020

It Is Probably How I Like A Monday Best

So yesterday was just another typical day. Work,  dogs, etc...  I did have a ridiculous amount of little stuff to do. In the end though I read some of my Sherlock Holmes book, and we started watching a series on Netflix. The haunting at Bly Manor I think. Super strange. We watched 6 episodes i think.  :)  It ended up being relaxing, and I slept good last night. I did stay up a little later than normal watching the 6th episode,  but whatever. That's how I'd like most of my Mondays to go. 

Somehow I've taken another week off from working out. Don't ask me how it slips my mind.  Maybe cuz Fall is different than Summer, and the days are different. Different jobs to do. I am not watering anything, and my workouts were done while watering. I meant to workout on Sunday, but forgot. Yesterday too. I was just sitting there, thinking shit, I forgot again. 

Today will be busy again. Actually I feel my week will be pretty busy with stuff outside of work to do. I like busy, but I also want to read my book. Reading is good,  but at the expense of doing other productive stuff. 

Knowing that balance in life is created from the inside. It makes you wonder how others are doing getting by with life. How do people stay active if it's not a normal part of the day?  What percentage battle addiction of some sort?  We all want to feel good about life, and that too comes from the inside. 

Before I got up this morning I was dreaming a lot. Also thinking about me kinda. Thinking how surprisingly insignificant I am. In the end I have a little life, and this seemingly pointless blog. Each is fine, but not really earth shattering in the least. It seems most unremarkable huh?  

I don't seek out significance. it really doesn't concern me. It's fine by me. My life is pretty easy. Made so cuz I have energy to be busy, and I am busy.  If you are depressed energy wise that makes life really hard. If you are depressed in enthusiasm that too is hard. I've had both,  and that's a struggle. Luckily my insides are mostly filled with energy, and enthusiasm. That is the secret to my success, and I didn't create either. The energy came back in the early 90s. I was either swinging, or burnishing a hospital floor. I knew it came back. A freedom kinda came with it. I had more to do, but it wasn't now. I could not do anything to make the time nearer. 

From there to when the running blogs started was just my little life. Things started with the running blogs. So weird how I got sucked in. 4 bloggers,  and a non blogger. Here I am still blogging. How people disappear from life is something. It doesn't affect me though. My days start out just as bright. The strange thing though is as far as I can see nothing really came of it, did it?

I am forward looking with my life it seems. The days in the future are pretty exciting to me. Are others tied to the past though?  I've spent a lot of time giving attention to other people's lives. What happens to them when that is no more?  Like me you move on, and the days start just as bright?  Will there be a yearning when they were deemed significant enough when one thought of them a lot. 

I am not alone. I am known,  and seen, and it keeps any sadness, and loneliness away. If others don't have that, well that may be tough too. It's a hard thing to go through life alone I would imagine. I don't struggle with that,  cuz my insides make me feel otherwise. 

Anyway, I spose.  

Laterzzzzzzzz.       :)

xoxo.        :)

xxoo.       :)

Byeeeeeeeee.       :)))

MWAH.      :)

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