Thursday, October 29, 2020

It Was The Weather After All

Just like that. A sunny day, and the day is  quite different. It didn't rain,  so I biked to work, and back. It isn't a lot, but it helps. I got a lot done at work,  I took the dogs when I got home, made lasagna for dinner, cleaned the kitchen. Over 14 miles, and over 32,000 steps. That's at the high end for a day from me. Oh, I  got my workout in too. I was worried about my workout, cuz of that shingle shot. I couldn't raise my left arm above my head. My pull up machine has a thing I could step up to the bar though, and I was able to do the pullups.  Nothing else bothered it really. It still hurts though. Like someone threw a gigantic punch to your shoulder,  and it hit the perfect spot. 

So you know if you get the shingle vaccination, it does hurt for a couple days. Also you get two shots. Flu shot was nothing. See busy day after the shot. Those really are the best days though. 

I see the Michigan cases got a big spike in positive cases. Ridiculously so. Not just us, but I do notice us. I don't know what to make of it. It's getting worse,  and I wonder what the heck people are doing?  I feel I play it pretty safe. We don't go out to eat,  I socially distance when shopping. I am probably not a high risk candidate. I'd probably be asymptomatic. Maybe very little symptoms. That could be  the problem. If I am one of those people who get it, but it isn't much more than the sniffles I won't get tested for that. I won't think anything of it. Lisa had a cold last week, and she didn't get tested. It is the cold season starting up,  and she usually catches them all, and me hardly any. 

It will probably be a tough winter for this thing. We have the worst President right now if in a pandemic. He is like the perfect storm for such a thing. Pretty much everything he's touched has turned into bankruptcy,  outrageous debt, or forgiven debt, mostly cuz hes just a dick. A failure at every level, except for lying. He's a good liar. Look how many consider him to be a success?  He's definitely a good liar. 

Today is Thursday. Always a busy work day. My day will be full. I'll take the dogs again,  and not sure what to do for dinner. Nothing really sounds good. I guess we will figure that out later. 

I spose. 

Laterzzzzzzzz.      :)

xoxo.       :)

xxoo.      :)

Byeeeeeeeee.        :)))

MWAH.       :)

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