Thursday, October 22, 2020

Little Things

Sometimes it is just little things that make the day. One thing I realized is working,  and taking the dogs is a pretty full day. Next thing you know it is 3:30-4:00 PM. Time you should start thinking about dinner. Today is garbage day, so I had to take the garbage out. I decided to get rid of my final tomato plants, so I put them in the yard waste bin. Then,  I pulled weeds. I decided to get my snow blower started. I got my winter bike out too. So I can take it in today. 

That is just little  things that fill up the day even more. I decided I didn't want to think about dinner, so I made a little frozen lasagna thing, and Lisa got fast food. For the time being my Saturday job is going to be a Sunday job. They are working so much overtime on Saturdays I'll be able to get in on Sundays to my regular areas. 

I am not sure if I'll like working Sundays more than Saturdays. It's a change though, and that's always okay. I can probably change at the end of the year back if I want, once they get OT under control. I am sure it doesn't matter either way for me though. My mind is typically pretty okay however my schedule turns out. Honestly right now I am excited about the change. Just for change sake. It's kinda how I am. 

Besides that not much. Thankfully we are just over 1 week from the election. The crazy news cycle will chill out after I think.  I won't predict how the election will play out, but the nickname i am giving Biden is teflon Joe. Nothing sticks. He just doesn't have enough baggage. People really disliked Hillary for some reason. I don't pay  enough attention, so I couldn't tell you why. She had baggage, for whatever reason. Joe doesn't seem to have any. So for me he is Teflon Joe. 

Trump has a secret Chinese Bank account, and Giuliani is about to get exposed on Borat. Vile creature he has become. The news is sticking to the other side. Obama started campaigning too. Do you know he has a 58% favorability rating currently?  That's pretty ridiculous right?  I liked him as our President,  and voted twice for him.  It was kinda nice not being shocked at the news every day, cuz we had a crazy guy in office. These last 4 years have been too much. Who let the hard right wing conspiracy nut in office to spew out hate, and division?  

Who at 74 is stupid enough to have at least a half billion dollars in debt tied to their name?  74 ffs. It seems to me he has been playing a shell game with debt for decades. How else is that possible?  Isn't that we all yearn for?  Freedom from debt. It is not from intelligence one finds himself in that place at 74. Just the opposite. 

Anyway I spose.  

Laterzzzzzzzz.        :)

xoxo.         :)

xxoo.       :)

Byeeeeeeeee.       :)))

MWAH.    :)

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