Friday, October 23, 2020

The Changed Week

This week seems so different already, since I will have tomorrow off. It rained yesterday, which ended up being perfect. I took my winter bike in, and I can pick it up today. My tune up will be ~$120, as opposed to a new bike. It makes sense to keep a commute bike as long as you can. I remember my first commute bike I bought for $50. I loved that bike. I was mad gas went up to $2/ gallon, so I fought back. By riding my bike. 

We didn't watch the debate last night. I went to bed. I normally wouldn't have either. For some strange reason I stayed up and watched the first one. It was horrifying. They come on past my bedtime anyway. So that's done. We did try, and watch an office episode yesterday. We had to turn it off, cuz of the political commercials. Yikes. Horrible. So many. 

Good  thing we can stream stuff in other ways without commercials. Yesterday was busy. Over 13 miles busy, plus I got my workout in. Reps adjusted to normal. In between sets I stretched my hammies. They feel much better today. I am definitely going to incorporate that in my routine. Leg stretches. The amount of time I am on my feet in any given day makes it easy for my legs to get tight. 

Working out can be a chore. Sometimes you don't feel like doing it, but not doing it comes at a cost too. I have so many upper body muscles stronger now from doing it. My goal is just to  use my muscles more. No atrophy. In that I am succeeding. My days are ridiculously full,  so I will be never be crazy about it. Once our new and improved expanded aquatic center opens up, I'll use that again. They will have a sauna too, with upgraded workout area. I am not sure when that opens. It will be easy to pop in after work. get a quick swim, and workout in. It's probably about the same distance as my old people workout area. 

Schools are quitting swimming and diving. They can't bring in any money, cuz who watches?  That is scholarships gone. swimming is one of the exercises one can keep their whole life. You aren't going to play flag football at 70. 

Anyway, life goes on. Just over 1 week, and the election will be over. Mitch McConnell is 77 years old running for office again. What is up with these past 70 people?  You have a President who has a ridiculous amount of PERSONAL debt. Biden is 77. I want to work as long as I can cuz I enjoy a busy day. I assume I will age well cuz I am active, and my mind isn't wasted in tv land. Maybe it's all they know. They want to keep active, and its the only job they know. I have no idea the day to day of a congressperson. 

I get the desire to make a difference. Past 70, I think the time has past. Experience does matter, but the elderly don't see the changes the youth are making. The young do change the World too. For better or worse we are married to their whims. 

Life is different. Life is busy. In the end we want to have fun, and time to ourselves.  Decisions made early on can keep that from us. 

I am 54 with nothing but time for myself. I have a busy day to day though. The day is mine though to do as I choose. 

Gotta run. 

Laterzzzzzzzz.       :)

xoxo.       :)

xxoo.      :)

Byeeeeeeeee.      :)))

MWAH.     :)

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