Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Up Early and Heat!!

Well screw the title I already have other things on my mind.  I need to re-phrase from yesterday.  You know I don't think I am lazy.  I work 40 hours each week.  Over 90% of the time I am on my feet walking, crouching, climbing (ladder) you name it.  I run, bike, cook, clean the house (sometimes) do the grass, help sometimes with the gardening.  Let's just say there isn't much things I put value in. 

I am not well organized anymore, (yes I used to be)  I want Lisa to take over the house budgeting, cause I just don't give a crap about it. 

Some days I just don't have it.  Yesterday was one.  My run was sluggish.  I cut it short... only 3 miles.  I figured it was from the heat, and from a couple good workouts on the weekend, and not sleeping very well.  It was at a 8:50 pace and that seemed hard.  I walked home at the 3 mile mark. 

I need to be more accepting of people.  People will typically do what they value.  They will do what is fun for them.  I am lucky I have fun training for running races.  Keeps me in shape, and relatively healthy.  I know my sleep patterns are whacky, and would be almost impossible to keep up with me.  You shouldn't try.  :)

Oh well I am just rambling I guess.  Eat drink and be merry cause that is your lot in life right???

I am switching my speed work today to do it this morning.  It is gonna be 1000 degrees today!!  I cannot do the track, since it is dark.  I am planning on 8-12 800's by my house.  Hard ups recover down.  Anywhere from 4-6 hard ups and downs.  Who does speed work at 2:00 am???   :)

Okay I guess that is about it.  I have a feeling I know what is on tap for work today...we'll see. 

Hope you all have a good one!!

Love you all!!!  :)

xo's!!  :)

cya!!!  :)

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