Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Boy Oh Boy The Days Keep Coming

Good morning. How's it going?  I am okay. I slept for 5 hours only again. I feel fine too. I wonder if at the beginning of the warm season being outside for long periods takes a lot out of you, but then you acclimate. 

I was busy after work. I got my run in, I used my truck to pull out a stump. We had a decorative tree get a disease,  so we chopped it, and replaced it with a different type of tree. It was pretty cool using the truck to pull out a stump. It was a decorative tree so not a huge one. 

I watered the front, and weeded one of my gardens. One more to go. We decided we need another yard of mulch. The work never ends. It is fine I guess, cuz activity is better than no activity. I've been complaining about having fatigued muscles. One way to stretch is to pick weeds in the garden. You have  to get down low to the ground. Hammies, and if you kneel you can stretch other muscles. Weeding the garden is not exciting work, but you plug along, and it gets done. It felt more positive of an activity instead of doing nothing. 

I started watching season 1 of 30 rock. It's okay. I started falling asleep,  and had to call it a night. I still fall asleep no problem.  

Really not much going on. I guess I was thinking as age starts creeping up you really need to worry about your health. Pay more attention I guess, not so much worry. There is a big guy at work,  and I think he is retaining water in his ankles/lower legs. Yikes. do you tell him?  That would be a big fear factor to me. 

I saw a lot of big people wearing those circulation socks at the workout place. Not a lot. but some. Age, and heavy weight seems pretty bad. It's not like they can go out, and run for 30 days. My first two weeks had some tough runs. I only took a few months off, and had years of running under my belt too.  

I think big people carry a badge too. It has a stigma to it too I guess. It is lifestyle. If you are over 50 it has been your life after HS basically. Maybe even before HS. We had 3 cooks who used to work at our bakery,  and I am pretty sure they never were in shape. It's hard to have so much flab,  and so little muscle if you had some type of workout base in your younger years. 

Life will be hard for bigger people. Just the  body cannot keep up, and shit starts falling apart. Shit might fall apart anyway. There is an older lady by my house. She is in good shape for her age. Skinny, and does a lot of yard work. I saw her walking in her house with her right hand looking like a claw. I figured arthritis. Shit looked pretty painful. You would think she broke a finger or two, cuz they didn't look like they could move. 

Anyway, I guess I got 3 busy days ahead of me. I think is there no end?  Then again I'd rather be busy than not. 

I spose.  Better make my salads.  

Laterzzzzzz.     :)

xoxo.         :)

xxoo.         :)

Byeeeeeeeee.    :)))

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