Wednesday, June 10, 2020

10 In A Row

I don't know how hot it got yesterday. Did I see 94°?  Anyway, I got my run in, and it wasn't horrible. It was what you expect a hot, and humid run to be. Mine are short though, but they are helping me. I am 1/3 of the way done with 30 days in a row. Also 9 of 10 days not drinking, or 12 of 15. My resting heart rate fell another tick, and my BP is just a tad high. Today is workout day,  so I have just more to do. 

We did get a good shower yesterday, so I don't have to water anything. Yesterday, and today. I started watching a new show on HBO. Well, new for me. I read some of my book, but I really am tired when I go downstairs. Another 12 + miles yesterday. Life continues to move on. In a favorable direction as far as I can tell. I made a really simple meal last night too. It was an easy day I guess. Busy, active, and easy. 

Our Corona numbers are dropping drastically. 120 or something yesterday. Life is what it is now. Changed. Just move forward,  and make the most of it. I am lucky I know. My finances haven't really changed. My future outlook remains the same for us, and we even were recipients of a little windfall, is that the term?  Extra money not planned for?  

Also I cancelled some monthly fees. Got rid of the old people workout place yesterday. I wasn't being charged while closed, but I feel my power tower thing really helps give me everything I need. I still may get weights, but those are in short supply with shipping still jacked. Not sure if I should just get a curl bar. A bench, and dumbbells, or a full set. Not gonna worry too much now. I have a good circuit,  and if I really feel like turning into an exercise weenie, I can always add later. 

The thought of becoming an exercise weenie may seem like fun, but it is work. I don't dread my runs anymore, but I probably wasn't excited about my 5th one. Also my jump from pullups to dips to pullups to dips was challenging. A circuit with little rest is work,  no matter how excited you are to workout. One  thing I noticed is I am eating a lot. Constantly throwing shit in my mouth. Not really shit. Fruits and veggies, chips,  and salsa,  pickles. Whatever, I constantly am throwing food in my mouth. 

So, life goes on. Another day starting today, and it should be fine. Life doesn't seem to different now that I am not drinking. It is still busy. I am not in a hurry to get my shit done so I can start having my drinks. I am probably slowly becoming more productive. I still go to bed around the same time. It shows how much I drank too. I get the same amount of sleep roughly,  and don't feel much different in the morning. Except my heart rate is way down,  so in that way I feel more relaxed kinda. My resting heart rate is down 13 bpms from when I drank every day. Honestly in the morning down 20 bpms at any one time. That is significant. 

I spose.   

Laterzzzzzzzz.      :)

xoxo.         :)

xxoo.        :)

Byeeeeeeeee.         :)))

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