Saturday, December 1, 2012

Fridays Kinda Suck...

You know for me Fridays kinda suck.  I like the Friday workday probably the best, because I do projects.  What to do after??  You know my goal is always to get to bed early.  Normally I'd have a few drinks, and crash early.  Mostly so I can get up early, do this and run. 

Lisa didn't close last night so we went out to lunch.  She came home and napped.  I probably could have too, because I was tired.  I did what I do on a Friday.  Had a couple  errr, perhaps a couple more than a couple drinks and crashed early.  I know you are thinking get a hobby right??  Maybe my Friday afternoon drinks are my hobby.  Is there something better to do??  YES, of course, but you know me, I am not the most disciplined person out there. 

Anyhoooo, that is neither here nor there.  I do what I do, and you know me.  You know what I am about, what this is about, and slowly but surely I get to know what you are about.  We are more than our careers, hobbies, and other day to day stuff huh?? 

Within us all are other parts of our lives, and I guess we don't always share that stuff huh??  Somehow someway you are slowly slowly slowly looking at all the parts of you.  These little things all amount to little snowflakes, because none are alike.  None of us are alike, and all the little parts of us are not like any others. 

The World is a better place when we all get to the point where the person we most want to be in the World is us. 

Have a good one all.  I have a lot of things to do this weekend.  Supposed to be nice weather, so good weekend to do it. 

Later.  :)

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