Monday, December 3, 2012

I Slept In A Bit...

Morning all.  I slept in a bit this morning, and am running a little late.  I still have time for a cup of coffee though...

So this blog has made a turn over the past couple days huh??  All that I tried to build in the last couple years??  Not sure how long, I let go. 

What does it mean??  I don't know.  I just don't think the blog was working too well.  So on we go. 

How and what this year will look like I have no idea.  We will see.  If I let go though, that means your eyes will need to be open, because it isn't me who needs to find my way back.  I am still here, and I continue to do this thing, for whatever reason. 

With that in mind, I had a pretty good run in yesterday.  The first couple miles with the Hopester was pretty difficult.  Legs were a bit toast.  The six miler seemed hard too.  I felt I was breathing hard the most time, but felt great going up the hills.  Jerry and I threw a bit of a fartlek at the end though, and my tired legs could still run. 

That was good.  The Bears suck!!

Later.   :)

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