Yesterday was a non drinking day again. I somehow find not drinking, not a challenge. Only 4 days in, and no weekend yet. Weekend drinking in the past was not much different than weekday drinking. Sometimes I'd drink that extra drink though. You still have to have something to occupy your time.
I don't know how regular drinkers are. If one were to be considered a "drunk" I probably wouldn't fit the bill. I drank only at the end of my day. I haven't been sick from drinking in years. My hangovers were probably none basically. If for some reason if I drank a full pint in one day I'd feel it. It's just a feeling I had that one extra drink. I never ever got headaches from drinking.
My blood pressure ran high probably, almost assuredly, from drinking EVERY day. my resting heart rate ran high from drinking every day. Sometimes if I had that extra drink, and I was tired to start the day, I could be a jerk. The alcohol angry person.
Me not drinking, I am a better person. For health reasons me not drinking is a win win too. It's easy not drinking when you wake up in the morning. I only wanted to drink after my day. Drinking definitely makes you feel good, but you can also feel good not drinking. Being more productive is a plus. The morning after with your resting heart rate being low is a plus. Steady hands first thing in the morning is too. I did typically drink enough to get shaky hands.
Anyway, that definitely is a change in me. I don't really know how the switch got flipped. I think Sunday when I had enough to be the angry drunk person got me. I don't want him around.
Just recently is the first time I tried to quit drinking in forever. It was harder than I thought. Breaking a routine or hobby. As different as a couch to 5k'er in ways. You got something dragging you down in negative ways, and you do something about it. For me it was really hard until I found out this negative thing had a good bit of control over me. Once I threatened myself with AA meetings, all of a sudden no problem. I was going to go every day at 4:00 PM. In a way I was kinda looking forward to going just to hear the stories. So far it hasn't been a struggle.
A non drinking me is kinda like a different high too. It helps I track my blood pressure, and resting heart rate and stuff. I see results instantly.
So, eventually I will have extra time on my hands. After the holidays. I know I've expressed arrogance in writing a book. I don't know if I have it in me. I don't even really know how to write that way, but the hour or two every day working on it has some appeal. Of course it doesn't have to be writing really. I have a couple hours every day of extra productivity stuff. Just not sure what I'll fill it with. It is kinda exciting though huh? My life has changed enough, I can add a thing to do. What that will be I don't know yet
My scale comes today. That should be fun. I am excited to see how my fat percentage changes from now til say a month down the road from not drinking. I will say yesterday, I was hungry all day. I don't know if it's cuz the lack of dead calories not consumed the night before, or just one of those days you sometimes have.
4 days done of not drinking. I like it. Also I probably feel better today than those who have drunk. Then again, I never really felt bad if I did drink. I am just at that age where I guess i should change.
Anyhoo, I spose.
Laterzzzzzzzz. :)
xoxo. :)
xxoo. :)
Byeeeeeeeeee. :)))
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