Tuesday, December 17, 2019

A Day In The Books.

Good morning. How's it going?  Me, I am fine. Yesterday was a pretty good Monday. I never had any of those cravings I got on Saturday and Sunday. I was very glad, having a couple drinks was about the last thing I  wanted. I worked,  worked out, finished putting the rest of my laundry away, cleaned the kitchen. I was kinda having a very good feeling being productive. Not kinda, I felt great. It was very nice having no desire for a drink. 

I wonder if those cravings will totally disappear. My mind knows they lie anyway. My drinks on Sunday were not as enjoyable as I thought they'd be. There is no doubt however not drinking, and being productive is a high on it's own. Just to not have that being a part of my day is kinda nice. Different. Not something I really strived for til this year. 

If I drink once per week I have no problem with it, but if I don't, I think I'd want that more. I am glad my last drinks were kinda a disappointment. 

Anyway, I am still thinking of things to do to fill my time. 100 mile weeks seems a little much if I cannot really run long. I never did look up College courses yet. I should. I think that could be fun. 

The World is open to me. I can do whatever I want. I am 54, and I am in about the best position a person can be. I have no debt, and no mortgage. I have no car payments. I am saving money for the future. I am healthy,  and am sitting pretty good as far as getting rid of my one vice. 

I have goals to get in better shape. More well rounded shape. More muscle than fat. I am not at a bad weight, but I do see room to firm areas up. If I lost 15 lbs. I don't think it would be horrible on me. I don't think I'd be too skinny. We will see how that plays out. I do wonder if I'd crave sugar things, as alcohol is basically sugar. So far I haven't, but I know others increased their dessert eating when quitting. 

You know what I feel again?  Empowered.  Drinking is fine, and it can be fun. Now I am on the other side, and this seems pretty great. I never really worried about my drinking, cuz I never get headaches, and I never get sick. The closest I'd ever get to a hangover is the less than 100% I'd feel if I had that one extra drink. I couldn't drink more than that one extra drink either. Alcohol tastes like crap after that. I didn't like it. Anyway, I am glad that part of my life is over,  cuz I get to live a new life now. I can reinvent myself so to speak.  

As you can see my senses are not dulled down like they were from Sundays drinking. Today should be pretty good.  

Laterzzzzzzz.       :)

xoxo.         :)

xxoo.        :)

Byeeeeeeeeeee.           :)))

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