Sunday, December 29, 2019

A Regular Day Off.

Today is a regular day off. I think it should be okay, cuz I got stuff to do. The kitchen is already clean. I cleaned it yesterday. I even cleaned the outside of the appliances, which I never do, but can now easily add it to things I do. I was able to get my haircut yesterday at my regular place. 

I get to run this morning,  and do a bit of laundry. I only have Wednesday off this week thankfully. I don't know how I'd fare with another 2 days off. We are approaching January, and a new year. I don't have any resolutuons. I guess I started quitting drinking. This week unfortunately its been an every other day thing. I feel its easier to do with my normal schedule. Maybe a good lesson. Don't make any drastic changes during the holidays. Schedules get messed up. Even still, I have probably already taken more days off drinking, than I would have all next year, if I didn't change. 

Personally too, I like not drinking, but if I run out of things to do, I may do a what the heck type of thing. Already I know not drinking is way better for me. I love it. I like my schedule,  and I like my routine. Sometimes, because I am obviously neurotic, I think about getting another car for myself. Not for really any reason, except I can. How ridiculous is that?  I don't even drive a lot,  also I am not a real car guy. You know the guy who would enjoy a fast or cool car for fun. Not me. 

I don't know why that stupid thought crosses my mind. Truth be told I'd enjoy watching my bank balances go up more. 

I guess its the problem of a person who has enough money, but doesn't really have anything to spend it on. I have enough clothes,  I don't really enjoy traveling too much. I am turning into a non drinker, so I never go out for beers. I could have yesterday,  but didn't want to, as usual. 

I honestly, am perfectly content in my routine. The small changes I want to make is to be a more thorough cleaner. you know dusting, and vacuuming, and organizing. I want to see if I can get in running shape again, so I am trying to get a stretching routine, and run 3-4 times/week. I plan on running every other day. If a run is supposed to be on a Saturday, then I'll take two days off. Saturday I work earlier than normal,  and I see a movie a lot after. It's just not a good day for me to run. You can tell too, its the day I normally take off from blogging. 

So no new resolutions, but this year will be different for me. More time = more productivity. Also not drinking will kick into full gear. I may go see about those AA meetings. I think I can learn from these people. The people with struggles. It's all pretty easy, until you find yourself with downtime. Then what?  I may do that starting today. Lisa said she would go with me just so I wouldn't have to go by myself. At least til I feel comfortable,  but honestly I wouldn't be nervous. It's hard to tell if the downtime is making me struggle, cuz of the holidays, or if it's just an ongoing battle. I should go. If not today,  then tomorrow. 

Anyway, like I said I think this year will be good. I am not drinking today. I have a lot, well some stuff to do. 

Run, start laundry, weigh myself, and go shopping.  I have a dinner for the crock pot. Then I'll think of some cleaning/organizing projects. Monday will be a work day with no drinking the day before. Those aren't so shabby. I like life better that way. 

Anyway, like I said, an exciting year ahead for me. 

Laterzzzzzzzzz.       :)

xoxo.          :)

xxoo.          :)

Byeeeeeeeeeeee.       :)))

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