Monday, December 9, 2019

French Toast Creamer

Is not the worst thing in the World. Pretty damn good actually. Yesterday went okay. Not perfect. I got a lot done, just not everything. We went out to lunch, I had two beers. I came home, and had a couple drinks so productivity ended. I did weigh myself. 168.6. I think I was 169.4 the week before. I feel that's a good weight. I could lose some, cuz I  do not have 6 pack abs. It's not really a goal of mine,  but I wouldn't complain if I got them.  :)

They would be a waste on me. I am not taking photos of myself, I rarely/never go to the beach. I am not impressing anyone in anyway,  so pretty much a waste. I do want to be healthy however. Use my muscles a lot. I am successful at that. Lifting my body weight is something I can do regularly,  and without strain. A goal of mine would be to use a lot of muscles regularly, and I do that. 

Another goal would be for me to drink less regularly,  and so far that I ain't so great at. Mostly cuz I got nothing better to do. That should be another goal of mine. Find something more to fill my time. A hobby of some sort that is a good hobby to have. I am not sure what that would be yet. I am pretty busy as it is, and whether I drink or not I still am sleepy at the end of my day. 

Maybe I should go to AA meetings. To find out about other people's lives. To have a daily goal. That might not be a bad idea. Running groups help you be better runner. A group with a similar goal. Maybe AA could do that for me. I don't consider myself a problem drinker. Just a consistent one. The consistency is hard for me to break. I may do that starting today. There are always meetings nearby everywhere I believe. I know Stephen King goes. I believe he got smashed almost every night. Plus cigarettes,  and dope too I believe. There, something to fill my time that will keep me from drinking. Also to be able to learn about other people's struggles. 

Also since I do this I thought what about writing a book. Obviously I can write pretty consistently. Maybe I could come up with a plan for a book. I dont know what it would be about. Also writing a blog does not necessarily translate to writing a book. It would be something to do. An exercise for my brain, a time filler. Obviously if no one read it I wouldn't care. 

Wow this morning has been productive already,  and I  haven't really done anything. I will do a search for AA meetings. I like that idea. 

Anyway I spose. 2 more weeks of Christmas, plus a few more days. I'll let you know how the AA meeting goes. 

Laterzzzzzzzz.      :)

xoxo.          :)

xxoo.         :)

Byeeeeeeeee.       :)))

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