Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Day 1 Again.

So, in my serious quest to just give up drinking,  I got 1 day in. I did not go to an AA meeting, but I called up one local place here. They have meetings at 4:00 PM, so I could show up if I have problems with this thing. I do have a problem with this thing. It's hard for me to quit. Drinking is all fun and games til you feel like maybe you don't want to do it anymore. Then wow, all of a sudden you realize it has a little more control over you then you thought. Maybe you already know this about me, but now I do too. Anyway day 1 is in the books. 

Day 1 was pretty easy, because I didn't want to drink. I actually was pretty productive for a Monday. I got my workout in. Made a cucumber,  tomato,  and apple juice thing. A salad, and a juice. If I keep this up, and the not drinking,  my blood work next year will be pretty darn good. It already isn't bad. 

I did the dishes, and made my salad for the week. It's quite the chore.  :)  Onions,  celery,  cucumber, carrots,  beets, beet greens, lettuce, etc...  it takes a while. The salads are colorful. Especially the weeks I use beets. 

As to writing a book that is just me thinking aloud. I don't really know how to write like that. I don't know how to develop characters,  and write conversations. It seems like a lot of work. I don't really know how I'd go about doing it, but when this not drinking thing kicks in, I may find myself with even more time. Also where would I work?  I don't have a desk or anything. I rarely use a computer. I usually do this in the breezeway with a cup of coffee. All things to figure out if I actually tackle that project. 

Outside that not much going on. I did think maybe I can take dogs on two walks. One in the morning, and one when I get home. Drinking is definitely a time filler. You give up that time, you still need to fill it. I may look at local colleges to maybe take some kind of baking course. If they are out there. It can't hurt since it's my job.  I never run the oven though. I used to be a production guy. Coffee cakes, pastry,  cinnamon rolls, muffins etc...  now I am the mixing guy. I make croissant dough, Danish dough, cinnamon roll dough, cookies, bars etc...  

Just following recipes really. You do have to stay sharp though. When you do something long enough, you can go by memory. It's easy to fuck things up with just one mistake. I tend to always double check my work. Just yesterday I almost forgot butter in a cookie I made. 

Anyway not drinking is exciting.  Until I guess it isn't,  cuz then I'd probably want to drink.   :)  Maybe not too, we will see. If I am willing to go to AA meetings, that says to me I am taking it serious. It also says to me, I don't know. An acceptance I am weak?  Something anyway. 

To me I finally think life can be fun too without drinking.  Better actually,  and that's just a recent change. Like maybe sometime this year. That could be an age thing. Drinking is a young person's sport,  and I am transitioning away from being young. 

Anyway I spose.  

Laterzzzzzzzz.      :)

xoxo.         :)

xxoo.          :)

Byeeeeeeeeeee.        :)))

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