Other than that I see more of the same. My life doesn't change that much. I have tomorrow off, and I have no clue what I'll do. Nothing crazy on my list. We had a bit of a snowstorm last night, so I am going to run tomorrow instead of today. This week was going to have a 2 day off anyway, due to a run day falling on Saturday.
In a pinch I could run on a treadmill at my old peoples work out place. The snow last night wasn't that bad. It is really windy though.
So as for goals this year I have none that come to mind. I know I'll drink less, but I don't have a firm number yet. Zero, one, two days per week of drinking? I'd like to be at zero, but drinking is a good time filler. That's my struggle. What do I do when there is nothing I want to do?
I guess I need a new hobby. What though? I guess that's why I wanted to write a book, and take classes. Time has to be filled. We are enslaved to our internals at that point. When we have downtime we tend to do what we want. If we have vices...well...
I'd say people with kids probably don't get a lot of downtime. Of course they spend a good portion of their time being with kids. For me anything more than 3 seconds with kids is too much. :) Kids are kids though so you have to deal with all the stupid kid shit. Tantrums. Gibberish, having to tell a kid to brush their teeth, and eat their vegetables.
I guess a perfect life for me would be my days filled with stuff, and no bored time. That is unachievable I think. A real perfect life has more to do with a perfect heart as opposed to our activities. A perfect heart none of us have. I suspect we judge people on their activities, when all of us are running around with these less than perfect hearts. How do we make better hearts? More of a give a fuck heart?
I know the direction for that. I am on that path. Been on it for decades. I knew what I had to do to get what I wanted. There were trials and tribulations to get as far as I am now. One more trial too. One where I accept what I deserve. My heart had to be made to be like that. To my own devices I wouldn't think I deserved to go, where I eventually will go. I go to a place of suffering, and no hope. I will be strong enough to overcome, cuz of my help.
The person that is me is of such little usefulness. As far as being the best a person can be. I am far away from it. It is not in my power to be such a thing, but yet I will be such a thing.
In a World where people see greatness in any number of areas, I KNOW there is no such thing. Heroes are made up out of whatever. People with less than perfect hearts are made heroes. I guess the key is our heart. I assume by now you have vision good enough to see your heart. How would you improve that? If you think you need no improvement, I'd say yikes.
Anyway, today is 270. Yay. :) Tomorrow is one. I wonder what next year brings.
I guess we will see. All things being equal, I spose I'll still be blogging? Can I get back to 300? I guess we will see. Hopefully next year is filled with a bunch of nothing so I'll have plenty to write about. ;)
Laterzzzzzzzzz. :)
xoxo. :)
xxoo. :)
Byeeeeeeeee. :)))