Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Well I Am Up...

Good Morning.  I am up, it is early, and it was one of those mornings where I woke up hoping it was 12:xx something.  It was like 2:15.  I was tired, but wide awake by 2:45.  That really is a big big gift I have.  When I am awake feeling the way I do.  I don't need coffee to feel like this, although I did make a cup, so I guess I will get one. 


Do you ever think of the things we take for granted??  Just say this blog here.  This thing will go on and on, and be around forever etc...  Perhaps.  You look for perfection though and you will not find it.  You look for the Saints and they are not here.  You look for answers, and yeah, they are here.  How?? 

It is a crazy story.  One no one can believe, but at least I didn't live in the belly of the whale for  3 days.  This blog is real, and active, and it goes on.  It also is a trap of sorts I guess, because if you read it you read it.  There is no "pretending" you don't.  What you see and what you know is known.  The eyes see inside your heart.  EVERYTHING. 

I would think that should make you a bit uncomfortable, because I know what was in my heart way back during the dark years.  When I was living in the dark.  

There is not one thing in this World or Society you can hang your hat on and say, "well at least I have this".  Why??  You are to trust only one.  One you never met, and one you have never seen.  Life is pretty fluid, and you make choices, but you will learn through your stuff, and be taught through your stuff. 

You are not a Saint.  You are an imperfect person with imperfect thoughts.  I have been telling you to be real about that Shit, because it is the truth that will set you free, not some fabulousness you concoct in your own mind. 

Seek out all that is real and true, and if there is a picture of yourself you want to portray, you can pretty much say that is total Bullshit. 

I know people, and I know life, and I know how life works.  You cannot fool me.  I have been through it all really. 

The honest ones I like, and the fabulous showers can basically go FUCK off in my book.  :)


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