So Yesterday I had a bunch of crap to do. I get sidetracked, and I really had no idea I do that at home too. I had a lot I wanted to get done yesterday, and I didn't really have a plan.
I get a load of laundry in, and start with the dishes. All this starts at ass o' clock in the morning, so I cannot do real loud shit, although the dishwasher is loud.
here is where things get boring to you, but maybe interesting to me. The dogs spilled their whole water bowl on the rug and floor a day or two back, and our family room smelled from it. I took that thing outside and draped it over the bed of my truck to air out. I look at the oven, and the top needs to be cleaned with an SOS pad. I remember our cold water supply leaks in the bathroom upstairs, and I need to fix. Worse case scenario applies . I have to take the whole pedestal lav apart to unscrew the top of the supply line. I just added Teflon tape to the connection, and it worked. Then double worse case scenario happens. i cannot get my drain connection hooked up. I need an extension. So off I go to the local lumberyard to pick it up. It is okay, because I want to change the oil in the truck anyway, so I got that all fixed. Cold water works, and the drain doesn't leak all is good. I decide I to cut the grass shorter, and hope for rain. Don't see much rain in the forecast. Shoot.
I get done with the front, and I am toast. I have cleaned the floor under where the rug was. I vacuum the rug after Lisa added good smelly powder stuff, and we get the rug back in.
That is it. It is noon, and I am toast. I got a lot of stuff done, and most of it really wasn't in my plans. That is me in a nutshell. I can get sidetracked, and I see something not right it may drive me crazy, until it gets right.
I napped from 12-1:00. Decided to watch Hockey, and Baseball instead of hanging outside. Both my teams lost, and I was tired yesterday after my morning stuff. Lisa closed the last two nights, and I went to bed early both nights.
Why?? tired, and I have been off. Life is really kinda boring you know?? :)
Like this blog. Who gives a flying crap what I do day to day. Is the shit we think about only interesting to us, so we jot it down??
Do you read the same shit on this thing day to day, and get bored with it??
I am feeling that way. I have my phone sitting in the other room, and I don't really feel like looking at the same old shit you may see every fucking day.
Nothing ever changes.
Oh well. I told you I was off. :)
bye for now.
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