Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Decisions Decisions...

Good morning all.  How's it going??  Me, I am doing okay.  I am deciding what I should do today.  Run before work, or after.  I think I will run before work, since I am up early, and have time. 

Okay, so got that sorted.  Yesterday Jerry and I did a 6.2'ish run yesterday in the sun, and 75'ish degree weather.  Against the wind was pretty nice especially in the shade.  In the full sun with the wind at our backs took a bit out of us.  Still acclimating to those temps. 

Today the weather should be the same, and I don't know what I will do after work.  Lisa closes tonight.  Do I really have anything on my mind??  Well one thing.  Do others have anything on their mind??  Do people just go through life without thinking about much and then die??

I mean I saw this thing the other day which said,  "You go to school for 12 years, college for 4, and then you work til you die."    When I finished the 4 err 4.5  umm 5 + years of college I looked at life.  What does this thing here I am doing amount to??  So I looked and looked at life, and looked and looked to see what a person can do.   Hmmmmmm.   Didn't like much of it to be honest.  The World looked so dirty, and every turn seemed to be a dead end.  So I did what I did, I made the turn of I don't like this life.  It leads to death.  I don't know what to do with this life, and everything I can think of seems dirty.  What is one to do?? 

Well, you know what I did.  I went down a long path to finding out about life, and myself, and my relation with this thing called life, and came to some conclusions.  Pretty much the same as Solomon.   This whole thing is pretty dumb.  I say it this way, because my eyes can only see the comic book version of my silly life.  I don't see the seriousness, although I know it is.  I have been to the non-comic book version of life.  It is there where real fear lives, and it is in these times of trials, and judgements where we gain strength I guess. 

I remember being told during my Summer of discontent to "remember your journey, you will never do it again."   Well, I wasn't going to forget, but I didn't really remember it all to be honest.  Out of sight out of mind type of thing, but everything came back

What a time that was, and what an awful time to boot.   Then I had to suffer some more things later on.  I had to take some stuff from people when their life was too much to deal with.  I think those times I was close to understanding.  Where you can see a person's pain.  You know what??  We are blinded to our own pain many times, because we have a lot of other stuff in us.  We have hate, and judgement to the people we don't like.  We have day to day life stress, which zaps us a bit.  We have anger and stuff to the powers that be for not making life better for us all.  We are mad at the people who don't have their SHIT together like we do.  Life is busy, and we are bombarded, and if you want to deal with the whole makeup of you, and what your life means you will need help. 

The vision to see you... something as simple as that is not within your power.  Do you see how weak, and pathetic we as humans are??  We are worthless.  Enslaved inside our tiny minds, that we can not even do the little things that need to be done to make us better people. 

Many are walking through life with not a single thought inside their head??  All avenues lead nowhere, and someday you will wake up old.  Ahhhh the strength of youth.  The days when we could do anything.  We had the World at our feet. 

Well, the World sucks.  It is an evil place, and you aren't going to change the power of gravity or the direction the Earth rotates.  You will not change this World, and you will not change mankind, and you cannot even change yourself to be the best version of you. 

What do you want of life??   I mean really really???   What do you want to accomplish??  Is your life just about you??? 

questions questions questions.  There are answers, and they are not what you think. 

So, it is almost 3:00 AM.   Looks like I will be able to take the Hopester for a little run before work.  I am slow, and still out of shape, but those 6 + milers on Tuesdays and Thursdays will have me on the right track.  

That is it for today!!!     :)

Thanks for reading!!!     :)

Hope Everyone has a Great and Awesome Day!!!    :)

xo's!!!!      :)

Love You All!!!     :)

p.s.  ehhh, I got nothing for a p.s.   Guess this will have to do.   :)

Love You All  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Ya'All are the best  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Extras of these  xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Extras of these xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Now for really really cya cya cya    :D     :D   

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