Saturday, May 18, 2013

How Do Things Get Away From Us???

Holy Cripes, our house is a mess.  How does it get like this???  How do I have so much to do today??  I have so much I want to get done today it isn't even funny, which means I am totally going to fail.  You string a few nice days together, and Lisa and I spent all the time outside, and now the inside of our house is a mess. 

Anyway I am not going to work today.   I think I am going to start working on Sundays.  I think it will help if I go in and help recover from a busy Saturday.  There is plenty of help on Saturdays, and not much on Sundays, so that is my new plan. 

Saturday is a nice day to have off too, because I am typically energetic, and ready to go, and on Sundays I really don't wanna do a lot.  I like Sunday to be a lazy day, so I think working a quick 4 hours in the morning works out. 

So I am going to be crazy busy.  I don't feel like blogging today, so I will leave it at that. 


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