Monday, November 26, 2012

First Things First...

Well first things first = I get some coffee.  Good morning btw.  Something new about me for over the last couple months at least is I don't drink coffee every day.   Also when I do, I only drink one cup.  Even like a day like yesterday I wanted to drink 2 cups, I made 2 cups, and barely finished my 1st cup.  Weird huh??  Yeah, I think so too.  I have been a coffee drinker for years, and now it isn't really doing it for some reason.  You know how you use coffee as an energy giver??  I think I always wake up with energy, or at least mostly.  Doesn't mean it stays forever.  On Saturday I did dishes, laundry, outside stuff, etc...  I was whipped at noon.  Done for the day.  That might just be my thing though.  You know at work by noon, I am almost done with my day. 

ehhhhh,   who cares??

So, how are you doing??  Hope good.  Today I have the day off, and doing a lunch thingie with some friends from work.  There will be beer.  :)   I don't know if Lisa wants to come or not.  She is off, but has a ton of X-Mas crap to put up.  I am up early too, so I will watch a Netflix movie, and take Hope for a little run.  I didn't run Saturday, so no need to take Monday off.  I can get a little shortie in.  Good for the Pup too. 

Yesterday we got our run in, and it was a pretty good run.  Jim was there on a Sunday, and sometimes he is fast, but I think he kept his brakes on, and the run was pretty easy, and pretty comfortable.  None of us timed it, and Jim said it probably was a 9:00'ish pace.  9:15??  I should do my little 1.25 mile repeat a few times this week to feel the pain again.  See where I am at too.  1.25 repeat is on the roads, with some hills.  I used the word "should" there too, so don't write that in stone.   ;)

I woke up in kinda a bad mood, but I feel a little better now.  You kinda plan your day, and look at life, and stuff, and not all is bad.  Life ain't perfect, and we have some minor details that always keep us a bit down.  Not enough $$$.  and things like that, but who isn't like that?  Sheesh

Life goes on.  It should be a pretty good day today.  I'll have some fun, do some stuff this morning.  Plus I am up early, so I don't screw myself for waking up tomorrow.  

You know how I get frustrated with this thing sometime??  I think it is because I know people are scared.  Scared of what others think, and I think I get frustrated, because your fears come from you.  I think people have so much to share, but what will others think??  We'll think your human, you are not perfect, and you are courageous, and strong. 

You cannot work your way into being better, and there is nothing you can do to get rid of your insecurities, and doubts, and lack of confidence.  We all lack confidence in some things, and we all are in the same boat.  All of us.  Not all of our Shit is together.  We are not perfect, and on our own we never will be. 

We can dress ourselves, and our life in a nice yellow ribbon, and try to look pretty, but we look the best when we show our true self.  Our imperfect self.  The one that really is looking for that other side where the grass is greener. 

You know what I mean??  If there was one thing we all could do to make ourselves perfect, wouldn't we put all our effort into it?? 

Anyhooooo just blabbing now.  

Not really feeling the signature thing, so I will see you later.  :)

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