Wednesday, April 7, 2010


This has to be short.  A lot of people are just finding out about the death now, so asking questions.  His good friend is dealing with the death, which has to be very hard on him.  I found out Steve (deceased guy) had contact with someone else too.  He was positive with everyone he came into contact with, and we never saw the hidden details.  Can't keep that stuff buried.  Nothing good comes from keeping it buried.  Open and honest.  God helps with that though.

Here is my thought on the issue.  None of us is as fabulous as Tiger Woods was in everyone's eyes.  Turns out he was imperfect like us all. 

I got my run in yesterday.  I ran my 6 mile loop.  Legs didn't feel all that great.  Pace was a bit off,  8:48 I believe.  Felt good to get it in.  We had a big rain storm here in Holland, and water came in our basement windows.  I made Lisa clean all that crap up. Ha Ha!!  j/k  she ended up doing most of it though.  Just how it worked out I guess.  I did the dishes and kitchen though, and helped a bit downstairs.  Maybe I helped with 10% of the downstairs mess.  :)

We both did dinner, burgers inside.  Got cold again.  DRAT!!  Today is speed work, so that should be fun.

That is all today.  Anyway, memorial for Steve is this weekend, and it will be a H.S. reunion of sorts, so a sad meeting, but excited to see a bunch of people I came back into contact with just recently.

I haven't checked the weather, but sounds like no rain, so at least I'll be able to ride my bike to work.  That is always a good way to start out the day.

Hope you have a great day!!  Hope for good weather too.  warm sunshine is always nice.  Woo Hoo!!!  :)

til tomorrow.  :)

Do you notice I always put something like "That is all Today" and it never really is???   lol.   :)

One more thing also.  Only a 80% chance of precip.  I'll still ride my bike, but plan on getting wet at some point.  :)

1 comment:

~L said...

like the tiger thought..Amen!