Sunday, May 17, 2020

What To Do On A Rainy Sunday

Figures it is going to rain all day. Kinda messes up my plans. I've been tired lately it seems, but I have been getting 8 hours of sleep the last 3 nights. That is pretty good for me. 

Not much going on with me at all. I ended up with 73 miles last week. All I did yesterday was work. I was tired after for some reason. Today it is going to rain all day. Do I just get my tomatoes in anyway?  I  think I might. Why not right?  

I do have to do a little shopping. Not much. Stuff for my  salads, some lunch stuff. Not much besides that. We didn't cook a lot last week. See me being tired above. 

The virus is going on still. Already it has a longer shelf life than I expected. These things are dangerous little buggers huh?   It appears political lines have been drawn over this thing.  The US has been hit hard over this thing. That is just a fact. It appears to me people in Michigan, especially the Detroit area have a lot of people with underlying health issues. The death rate in Michigan is high. 

My Saturday job was a ghost town. I don't think I saw one company employee. I think I saw one outside contractor. Usually they have maintenance people working on machines. They've been hiring for a year or two. Always working overtime in some area. Now nothing. I don't even think the places which are working are working a full 40. It is just an observation. Pretty weird. 

You know who is running behind in their work?  Health inspectors for restaurants. States have no money now either, so you cannot realistically hire more. Shit like that. What happens at the SOS once we open up?  It is going to be a major thing to get things up and running again. Also people are going to be tired. You dont just go from not working to working 100% right away. 

I wonder what I'll weigh today. Probably not much different. My jeans I wore yesterday were a bit baggie. They would fit me better if I was closer to 170 instead of 160. I figure I am still at 160. 

Life goes on. Day after day. I continue to have plenty of shit to keep me busy. Life is busy huh? 

Anyway, I don't have much. The next couple months will be interesting. Just to see how things try to get back to normal. It might get ugly, cuz people try and add fuel to the fire. Anger and hate etc... are kinda like a virus. They spread quickly. Once you are in its grasp it is hard to recover. You become blind to everything but just your side. 

A person in power who spreads anger and hate will have no problem getting a following. Universities will struggle so more and more people will stop at a HS education. They wont be able to take a Non-Western Poli Sci class by a Palastinian instructor like me. An elective class. You have to take so many to graduate. It was one of my best classes I took. Opened my eyes to how a non US person might think. How they might view us. Less and less will be exposed to those types of things. More and more will just wear stars and stripes on their clothes, or carry a flag. Probably with their long gun strapped to their shoulder.    :)

Gotta go. 

Laterzzzzzzz.      :)

xoxo.        :)

xxoo.      :)

Byeeeeeee.      :)))

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