Monday, May 4, 2020

Crazy Times Indeed

So it is May. The weather was stupid nice out this weekend. I went to the local lumberyard, and it was trashed. I couldn't believe how much stuff needed to be put away. They have been smart though. No mask no entrance. I feel people out and about with no masks will be getting the stink eye. It is just common sense. It doesn't mean you all of a sudden turned into a commie socialist liberal. Just common fucking sense. 

Yesterday I was out, and saw like a group of 10 motorcyclists just standing together with no masks or anything. I get it when you are outside,  but if you go in to the gas station come on. Some had leather chaps, which I all of a sudden would have negative thoughts toward. I have become very judgemental these days. 

I don't have a political point to make just don't be fucking dumb. Guns don't kill viruses. 

Anyway, I can finish up the fence today. We added more concrete. Lisa knows how a good mix of concrete looks, from her mission trip. I watered mine down too much. Our gate is up, and works. I just have to put on the 2xs, and pickets for an 8' piece, and its done. 2 entrances to the back yard on both sides of  the house. I like it. 

I am back to work full time again. The week should be busy, but today will probably be a short day. They opened up for chicken business this weekend,  and sold out in less than 3 hours both days. Crazy right?   We got the last two sandwiches on Saturday. Not being a sit down type restaurant, but an easy take and go, they can make a killing. For the next month give or take people will be rich in West Michigan kinda. The extra $600 on top of unemployment is a windfall sorta. Typically we aren't making that much money. Us blue collar types anyway.  Things will change once it all runs out though. We've had two companies I know of locally laying people off. One was 1000 people, and I am sure the other company had a more significant amount. 

Gentex was hiring hiring and hiring. Expanding at a ridiculous pace. They have a new big addition to one of their many buildings, and now they are laying people off. No one is buying cars.  

There is going to be a macro effect to this thing. How bad we don't know.  It is a scary time. A lot of stuff to worry about. 

Today should be okay. A simple day. Work,  fence, eat. Wanna read my book too. Its good. Oh the 10 day looks real good. Only highs in the 50s. Less people out and about. 70 and sunny is the worst we could have right now. 

Anyways I spose.  

Laterzzzzzzz.     :)

xoxo.       :)

xxoo.      :)

Byeeeeeee.      :)))

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