Friday, May 8, 2020

Another Day

Good morning. How's it going?  Me,  I am fine. Yesterday was a pretty good day.  I am good at work, so today should be pretty easy. I got the oil changed in my truck. Same old problem. I was time wise supposed to get it done in January. It is May, but I wasn't even at 3000 miles. The guy says, "you know you are not due right?"   I'm like it's been like 6 months so go ahead. I feel good when that gets done for some reason. 

My blood pressure has been reading a bit high, so he added a pill. It sucks the other shit gave me a cough, cuz my blood pressure was perfect with that. I did take my BP yesterday,  and it definitely ticked down. I was honest with the doctor. I weighed 161 pounds the last two Sundays. I am at a good weight. I am active. I eat pretty good. I make a salad 90% of days loaded with veggies. I try to eat an apple and orange each day, and I use lemon juice a ton in my water, which I drink a lot of 

I told him I typically have 2 drinks each night. Basically cut 50% from my previous norm. I could quit, but I find two is manageable. Anyway,  I told him I know drinking is horrible,  but I'd like to continue having 2 drinks each night, but not at the expense of living. 

Basically, I cannot on my end do to much to improve my blood pressure. I don't add salt to anything either. So another pill. I think this will work. Its really the only unhealthy thing about me. That is a load off my back. 

I saw something too about vitamin d deficiency being perhaps one cause of the covid-19 hitting people hard. Luckily we have been getting yard work done, so plenty of sun time. Lisa takes a supplement for it too. 

Anyway, I got my prescription, oil changed, and a yard of mulch dumped into my truck. We have a good start. We will probably need 4 yards total. 1 yard is like 13.5 bags of mulch. We pay $30 having it dumped in our truck. So we probably save at least $10/yard give or take. Assuming ~$3/bag. I priced out sod too, and I may do that in spots. Easy fix.   :)

This shit is pretty exciting. Getting shit done, getting our house ship shape. I guess I feel pretty good, and pretty positive about stuff. Getting back in my routine is pretty sweet. Being busy, being outside, being tired at the end of my day. Eating a meal, and crashing. 

I have plenty of cash in hand, and not much to spend it on. I like that too. All in all things for me seem pretty good. Always kinda worry about the virus. It's definitely a bugger.  

Gotta go though. Have to make a salad for the next two days.  

Laterzzzzzzzz.     :)

xoxo.       :)

xxoo.      :)

Byeeeeeeeee.     :)))

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