Friday, May 29, 2020

Questions Of The Heart

Yesterday was a pretty normal day. I was tired at the end of it. I slept good again last night. My resting heart rate dropped lower. I notice at the end of my day my rate doesn't get down as low as it used to. Almost as if I don't start relaxing til I am ready for bed. I put in a lot of steps, and my heart rate all day long is over 100. I am always in fat burn, but rarely cardiovascular. I haven't been running,  and I don't bike a lot. I've been forgetting to do push ups,  and pull ups,  so I started them again last night. 

I guess health is a thing we should consider more as we get older. All the shit that will kill us is invisible pretty much. Unless we get in a car accident or something. There is a good amount of shit to worry about in life regardless of everything I guess. 

We didn't get hardly any rain at all the last couple of days so I had to water my gardens. I'll have to do the grass and gardens all weekend. It will be nice weather wise. Normally I would enjoy the nice weather with drinks, but sadly my heart does not take well to alcohol. If I didn't have my watch I wouldn't have known. George Carlin I guess did some drugs like cocaine and stuff,  but he had a bit on alcohol and its dangers. He had a bad heart. A couple heart attacks, and alcohol helped him get there. My watch and George Carlin helped me put the two together. Plus I did some online reading. Alcohol is bad for your heart. I don't see the surgeons warning on the bottles. Probably cuz heart disease has so many other variables. 

I am at a good weight. I eat good. I am active. Going to start again "exercising" more. Take care of my ticker I guess. My heart rates were so whack I was pretty close to going to the ER to get a ekg, and whatever tests they have to check stuff. I was nervous kinda. I'll check my blood pressure on Wednesday, and if it's high I may contact my doctor,  and see what he says. 

Speaking of the nice weather it started raining just now.   :)  lol.  Crazy weather. I was going to ride my bike for the first time this week,  cuz of no chances of rain.  

I ate a lot yesterday. I drank a ton of water. I ended up eating a lot of fruit.  I wonder if that is the sugar withdrawal from not drinking. It's only been 3 days though. I ate a sandwich, cherries, an orange, an apple, a chicken taco after work, chips and salsa,  a ton more cherries, dinner, and drank a lot of water. It seemed all day long I was putting food in my face. As luck would have it most of it was good for me. 

Anyway, enough about me. I gotta get ready for work. I started a new book. My 3rd from Dean Koontz. The good thing about not drinking is you can read more. Dean Koontz spins a good yarn. I think that's the saying. I still go to bed tired at the same time whether I drink or not. I find that interesting.  

Laterzzzzzzz.       :)

xoxo.          :)

xxoo.         :)

Byeeeeeeeeeeee.        :)))

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