Wednesday, May 13, 2020

My Life Is Normal

I was taking stock this morning, and I realize I am lucky. My life is normal. We got this crazy thing going on, but my life is not too different than what it would be without Covid-19. Also I like my life, so I guess I am lucky. There is always a chance I lose my Saturday job, cuz that company is letting people go. Not my company,  but the company who hired us. A lot of what we do helps quality control, so a good chance I keep it too. Just not sure. It's extra anyway. Still they pay me good. 

So obviously not everyone is in my boat. We still dont know the full extent of the damage to the economy. It's hard to predict. Restaurants, Airlines,  travel, hotels, sporting events, concerts etc...   higher education?  The cost/benefit in getting a higher education was way out of balance already. Not worth getting an undergrad if it coincided with a small house size debt. So the damage we have yet to see. 

My bakery job is safe, cuz we aren't selling big ticket items. We just sell shit people like to eat. You don't need a lot of money to buy stuff either. I am pretty liquid, no debt. Lisa's job is safe too, cuz it is basically a discount hardware store. I feel pretty secure about our finances. 

As to opening up the Economy,  I'll leave the discussion for other people. I am working,  and happy to be. I'll let others make the macro level decisions. I am just all about masks when in buildings for now. For as much as possible keep your spit to yourself. That's all I am saying. 

Yesterday was okay. A little under 30,000 steps. We worked a full day, I ran the tiller. Lisa did a shit ton more weeding, and we finished up load 2 of mulch. I am going to cut the grass today, and fertilize. We have 3 days of rain this weekend. So we will get our next load of mulch on Monday. We just have the back yard left. We have more weeding to do, and I have to get my garden in soon.  Still a lot to do. Plus the dogs need walks etc...  busy busy, but I guess I like it this way. Being off those two weeks was not my favorite. 

So yeah, taking stock everything seems okay with me. It's hard not having the virus on your mind, when its everywhere, so that is a little bit of stress. For me stress is better dealt with by being busy. 

So yeah that's it. Nothing major. Same old same old I guess. 

Laterzzzzzzzz.      :)

xoxo.           :)

xxoo.          :)

Byeeeeeeeeeee.       :)))

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