Friday, January 10, 2020

Up And At 'Em. In Adam?

Come to bv think of it, I have no idea what that saying is supposed to say. I am up to start another day though. Yesterday was okay. I didn't work late, but probably my full shift. It seemed I worked late, cuz everyone was done and gone. A busy mixing day for me. I did get some stuff done when I got home. I ran the robot again too. 

I did have a couple drinks the last few nights. Not cuz of some overpowering craving, but really cuz I wanted to. It equated to basically one stiff drink less than my previous norm. Where that leads from here I am not sure. 

We will see. I won't run up any excuses or justifications right now. Theoretically I am okay with quitting. In practice it's a bit different I guess. I mean when you start quitting drinking its pretty exciting. Excitement doesn't last forever I guess. 

There comes a time at night where a decision is made. Drink or not drink. I guess I should say I limit myself to just 2 drinks. We'll call it basically a half pint. It's easy for me to decide yes. It also is pretty easy NOW for me to quit at 2 drinks. Regardless of all that I did get a good amount done at home. Dishes cleaned,  bedding washed,  winter clothes put in the right spot, dinner made. I stretched yesterday morning, not sure if I did some more last night. It seems I was busy the whole afternoon. We did tacos for dinner. Watched one episode of season 2 big little lies, and I went to bed around 7:00. 

I slept over 6 hours, and today is another day. I looked in the mirror yesterday, and to me I looked like I gained weight. Like maybe I did gain 5 lbs. the week before. I don't know how. I can't say I am eating more. I guess we will see what the scale says on Sunday. 

I totally am a product of how I feel. I am active, so I pretty much have to eat. I can't diet at all, and diets are brutal anyway. If a diet doesn't turn into a sustainable lifestyle change it will fail. You can change what you eat. Add veggies,  and cut out some sweets. I could be wrong,  but you need carbs pretty much to feel full I am thinking. For the inactive though carbs are probably a killer. So definitely add activity for those lacking that. 

I don't go to a real person gym,  so I see old people. Good for them I guess. A lot I assume were not at the gym when they were my age,  so all of a sudden the mortality thing is hitting. Anyway what I wanted to say is a fat person going to the gym several times/week is something all people will respect. Getting out there doing something. No one starts out looking great if it was a lifetime of doing basically nothing. There is satisfaction working toward that goal. Switching your lifestyle starts definitely with moving. Work your muscles too. Make small changes too with the diet. A lot of people want to reinvent the wheel when it comes to eating. Add something healthy every day, and take something unhealthy out every day. Move too. 

Anyway for me today is a workout day. I am looking forward to it. I've been adding to my daily routine. I feel I am staying busier than in the past, especially after work. I'd have to go back to other January posts to see. 

You always think of just adding something a bit more. I can't run right now. I could always take the 2nd walk after work. Is that sustainable?  Maybe a walk on Tuesday,  and Thursday after work. My non workout days. 

That's maybe our weakness too. Good ideas are fine, and exciting. What happens when excitement leaves? 

Anyway I spose. Today is another day. I'll be busy, I'll get a workout. What to do for dinner?  

Today will be a day in the life. It should be fine. Really looking forward to how I feel right after my workout. I gotta stretch too. 

Laterzzzzzzzz.      :)

xoxo.       :)

xxoo.       :)

Byeeeeeeeee.       :)))

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