Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Life Goes On.

Good Morning.  How's it going?  Me, I am fine.  Yesterday was an okay day.  I got a lot done around the house after work.  I did laundry, and dishes, made dinner, folded laundry, and put it away.  Even sorted socks.  I also cleaned out our freezer chest.   Sometimes you end up with shit in there for years.  We had some stuff we got from a food bank way long ago.  It wasn't that many years ago we were poor enough, that Lisa grabbed some free stuff from a food bank.  We were excited about it too.  I do know how the poor live, as I guess I was that once, although I don't seem to feel any different.   I don't feel my outlook appears to be any different.   I don't even remember having more money being one of the things I yearned for.  

Now I have a good amount of money, as compared to my past.   I can pretty much buy whatever I want.   I could probably buy a house to rent out, and make money.  I have freedom to do any number of things, but I don't want to.  Me not having a mortgage feels better than carrying one as an investment.  I find having money isn't really all that exciting.   I was excited about buying my sweats the other day for under $10.  I would have felt the same way poor.  Money sure isn't the key to happiness.   In the World of social networking, I know I know, everyone has the perfect marriage, and their parents were the best ones ever, and kids are damn near angels everywhere you look.  

Someone at work was talking about Alexa, and how much do Who know?  Paranoid about hearing family stuff, and whatnot.  I don't have an Alexa smart thingy, but it wouldn't worry me.   I don't really have anything to hide.  My life is boring.  Any Government could spy on me, and there wouldn't be much to see.   If you read this blog you can see this to be true.  Internally I feel my life is fine.  I am secure, and most of all content.  My heart feels good about stuff.  My life is simple, and that is good enough for me.  I felt good yesterday getting all the things done I did.  A feeling of accomplishment.  I am not out looking for the next chapter of my life, cuz this here is the final one.   Work, eat, sleep, and eventually another chapter does come along.  I don't worry about the whens.   It is out of my hands, and it isn't my concern.   I guess mostly cuz internally I have everything I really really wanted when my journey was the hardest.   Security, and contentment.   As you know I didn't know I could have those without being the best a person can be.   Also without being full in spirit too.   I was full for a while, and that was pretty darn secure too, but it wasn't the final full I will eventually have.  For all these years I have been very poor in spirit, because that was part of my walk to be so.   I learned to trust other things.   I definitely had some hard lessons to learn.   

I spent a good portion in the wilderness, and to this date you have no idea what that is.   Ive spent decades being poor in spirit, and you have no idea what that is.   I actually spent decades being mostly spirit, and you have no idea what that is either.   Not that it means anything anymore.  If this thing was supposed to serve a purpose, I don't feel it does really anymore.  Its just a simple look into my day to day life.   One that has me active, and maybe it seems weird to wake up way before I have to just to do this, but I've done it so long, it is just second nature.  

I don't find much in life to be too significant.   We all are just living out our days.  My days I feel pretty good about too, and I guess that is what we all want.   We are just not sure what makes that possible.  Is it money?  The way I feel you cannot make.  How I feel is a gift for my labor.   A labor unseen by the seeing eye, but a labor done all the same.  How my labor bares fruit I have no idea, but it does somehow.  We don't see how the sun, and rain, and bees, and butterflies all work together to make the fruit on the tree grow.  We don't see it grow the fruit, yet we see it when it is starting to happen.   

Much of who we are is unseen to the seeing eye.  I suspect many are afraid of that too maybe.   Its why one would be paranoid about an Alexa thingy.  I don't have one btw, and have no intention of getting one, but I wouldn't be afraid of it.   I am not afraid of the stuff about me that cannot be seen by seeing eyes.   Security does that doncha know.   That too I have.  

It is definitely good to be me.  

Anyways, I spose.  I am driving today, cuz it is cold.   Not really cold for January, since in years past we could be below freezing for a month or so straight.   Today will be like 22 degrees, and tomorrow 44.   :)        Maybe I'll see a movie.  I have to workout too, which I am looking forward to.  My life is open to do new stuff, just not sure what yet.   

Laterzzzzzzzzzzzz      :)

xoxo         :)

xxoo        :)

Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeee      :)))                                                                                                                                

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