Sunday, January 12, 2020

Easy Like Sunday Morning.

Actually, Sunday mornings really aren't that easy.  I have a certain amount of things I like to get done, so I really have to plan.  This Sunday is easier than most, cuz the kitchen is already clean, and I did some laundry aleady this week, so I don't have a lot.  I do have to go grocery shopping sometime.  I should anyway, but I guess it isn't vital.  I have to make my salad too.  Figure out something to do for dinner.  I weighed myself already to get it out of the way.  I felt fat for me, but I lost 3 of the 6 lbs. I somehow gained in a week.   168.9, and I always go for the marathon P.R. weight of 167 as a baseline, so not so bad, but I feel fat still.   :)

I've been sore this week, and I think it is mostly from stretching.   Who knew??   Also doing pull ups at my workout place has me feeling a bit sore.   Like maybe my arms go out a bit wider or something.   That really shouldn't happen, cuz I have been doing pullups.   Come to think of it, I was a little sore after my workouts this week.  I did get all 3 in this week.   Also I ended up with 71 miles.  Crazy how I was starting Saturday work with 72 miles already in the bank.  Part of that is running obviously as you can run a farther distance than walk in the same amount of time.   Remember I've stayed pretty busy too after work getting my 71 miles.  

One thing I noticed about me is I don't give myself free time to start my day off.   Say you want to just chill.  Read a book or see a movie, I don't afford myself that luxury.  Mostly an internal thing as I want to get shit done.  I can't say that has always been with me.  A nice winter morning, I should just chill right?   My internals have me feeling I'd rather get shit done.  Just mentioning that, cuz it wasn't always the case.   

Yesterday I saw a movie after work.  It was good.  "Just Mercy" I think.  A true story about a black guy on death row in Alabama.  It was a really really good movie.  We had our Christmas party at work last night.  The bakery job. Saturday's job was last week.  It was fine.  Different as there are two locations so not everyone knows everyone like in years past.  I had a couple beers, and I watched a bit of football when I got home, and crashed at some point.  I did get over 6 hours of sleep, so that is good.  

What else?   Not much really.  Another day in the life starts now.  It should be pretty low key.  Do a couple things, make something for dinner, etc...   Tomorrow starts a new week, so let's see what that has in store.   What I really want is to stay active after work.  I may see a movie or two after work too, if I have to drive.  I definitely want to get my 3 workouts in.  I am really kind of excited about those.   I think in the past it could be a grind, but now I am excited to do it.   I have a $50 gift card at Lowes.  I think I might use it today.  There is a shelving project I think I want to do downstairs.  It is a simple thing.  Everything is pretty much built already, I just need the correct sizes of 1x whatever to make it not so jumbled together.   It has been like that since we moved in.   I don't know why we never thought to make the easy fix.  

That too is a difference in me.  Thinking to do projects.  Feeling satisfaction, and accomplishment for getting little things like that done.   Where did that come from?   It definitely was missing for a while.   I am excited about my days, because I can get stuff done.   I don't know what it means, but I like it.  The only thing I am missing is a run, or some kind of exercise to get my sweat going you know?  I'd hate to get an exercise bike for the winter.  I wonder if I should look at them.   I wouldn't need the peleton one, cuz it doesn't need to be a big investment.  I know I could do it at my workout place, but then I would have to bring a change of clothes, and I usually ride my bike there anyway, so it would be a pain.  If I am still riding outside, why do I need one for inside?   Usually outside riding you don't sweat.  Inside riding you do.   Does sweating really matter??   Running is so much easier.   :)  

Anyway, I guess I'll take Hope, and start my day.   I am pretty excited for it, and mostly cuz I got shit to do.   Is that strange too?   I think people love a lot of down time, and I love busy time.  I like it when I have stuff to do.   I don't want to sit and relax to read, or watch a movie, even though it is very early on my day off this week.   I want to get shit done.   That wasn't always the case.   

Anyway, I spose.

Laterzzzzzzzzzz    :)

xoxo         :)

xxoo        :)

Byeeeeeeeee         :)))

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