Friday, January 24, 2020

Hey, It's Friday.

Man, I am really getting old. I am about as unexciting a person as there is. If you want a friend to woop it up with. Go out for a night on the town, and get fucked up, geesh,  that is no longer me. 

Friday night is a big night. The start of the weekend, but it is an early to bed night for me. I work Saturdays. You know what is kinda nice about working early Saturday?   A lot, for one I won't be spending a ton of money on Friday night activities. Saturday will not be a lazy day. Typically I'll be close to 20,000 steps by noon. I will be tired Saturday after work. Typically I'll see a movie, and all that is left is dinner. Typically I won't be spending a lot of money on Saturday night activities. Also I like it when the Saturday paycheck shows up. It is  good supplementary income. 

I am excited about living my boring stupid life. It probably is one of the good things about aging. Boring isn't expensive. The need to spend money dwindles quite a bit. At least in my experience. 

In this way it is good to be me. Being content in things. Our W2's are starting to roll in. I made almost $600 last year in interest for my Discover accounts. Not too shabby. It's not a lot of money, but left in a regular savings you'd be looking at maybe $1 of income. It's why the stock market is so high. It's hard to make money with interest, and the money has to go somewhere. People put money in housing stuff too. 

If the stock market is a bubble,  and housing is a bubble,  then what?  Low interest rates cannot fix it, cuz the rates are already low. That would be something huh?  Worse than 2007, cuz there are no band aids left in the closet. Worst case scenario happens you will want to be debt free. 

I don't know what percentage of people  carry a credit card balance.  That is a high interest people pay. Also I don't know how many people cashed out equity in their home. In my younger years a lump sum of cash = fun. Buy toys,  take trips,  whatever. My old self now likes to just do as I do. I am contemplating checking out a city for a few days sometime. Maybe like a Philadelphia or something. In the Spring. Maybe catch a baseball game along the way. 

As to the impeachment thing, I am not really paying attention. I see the right does not see any problem at all with what's transpired. That is the state of our politics too. Eyes wide shut. You picked your side, and that's that. If the sides were reversed I can't say the same wouldn't take place. The left would keep their eyes wide shut. 

Objectivity is a casualty in today's World. Our heart holds on to hate,  and eyes cannot be open when hate is so prevalent in hearts. The heart wins control in that battle, and reason is no longer possible. 

So, what I am going to do is continue my day to day. My heart lacks yearning,  so I don't have that hassle of wanting all the things. I stay busy, and that helps me stay healthy. I am going to take Hope for a short run. 2 days in a row. 

Oh, and I am pretty positive our adjusted gross income will be less than $50,000. That I believe is the lowest tax rate. I may get a pretty good return. That would be pretty sweet. 

You see we don't make a ton of money, but we are pretty rich, all things considered. 

Anyway, I spose. 

Laterzzzzzzzzz.       :)

xoxo.          :)

xxoo.          :)

Byeeeeeeeeee.        :)))

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