Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Monday Comes.

Good morning. How's it going?  Me, I am doing okay. Monday typically is just way better of a day than Sunday it seems. Kinda strange I love Monday the start of the work week better than Sunday my day off. 

Yesterday was a pretty big step day. Taking Hope helps with that. I think I was at 19,000 steps by 10:30 AM. I am going to see a lawyer about my Dad. We talked to a banker who had a family member with the same type of problem,  and basically took over guardianship of the person's money. I have no desire to, but if he's too stupid to give his money to a junky what can you do?  It's either that or I kick him out for being too dumb. 

A bank gave him a credit card with a $5000 limit, and up to $800 cash he can take out each day. I've heard him yelling on the phone to this bank, cuz he is a complete asshole all the time. So naturally i was curious when he got mail from this bank, and it felt like there was a card in it. There was. I am not in the habit of opening mail, but i did here,  and ripped all that shit up. What are interest rates for cash advances?  29% interest or something?  

Anyway he  was gone yesterday from like 9:30 AM til midnight. I don't give a shit what he does,  it would be the polite thing to get arrested for something or another, and get thrown in jail or something. I think I need to find a nursing home for him. I can't handle him being here anymore. 

It would be something if he was a productive member of society. Just by getting friends his own age. Being active. Shit like that. Instead of financing junkies, which I don't feel is the best thing one can do. 

If I knew then what I know now, I would have let him rot in Chicago. What a loser.  Can you imagine a hearing about his competency?  Thrown out of bars for being a creepy ass old guy. Bank statements that have multiple ATM withdrawals in one day, all toward the beginning of each month. Chase calling the State to investigate this guy, cuz he calls them all the time. He found out he could get cash back while they investigated his complaints. Then they'd take the money right back, when they found out, yep you took the cash out at an ATM. 

Ya kinda have to accept your circumstances.  If you are 84 years old, then realize not many people are interested in you. Old people will listen to you, cuz they are old too. On Sunday at the bar there was an older gentleman. Normal looking. He ordered a shot,  and a beer. Then he kept gambling. Keno, and these stupid lottery ticket type things. He won a pretty good chunk on something, and then just pissed it all away on more lottery tickets. What in the Fuck?  

It's like the old guy with Parkinson's last year playing the same goddamn things. Hands shaking everywhere checking to see if he won. What do they want to win?  It's not like they could travel anywhere. 

People I guess go through life, and have no clue what it's about. Chase after money I guess, even when it wouldn't do them any good. Eventually you get too old to do "fun" stuff. Especially if you are sedentary like my dad is. You lose the ability to be mobile. 

I am happy with work, eat, sleep. I don't need to chase after money, cuz I know it doesn't really lead anywhere great. If you get too rich you may want to fly off in your helicopter,  and what can go wrong there?  

I don't want to sit at a beach. I don't want to travel to exotic places. I just want full days that lead me tired at the end. A meal, maybe a tv show,  and early bed. 

This is me living my best life,  cuz I know the truth, and I accepted it. My heart was made strong enough. Now I am happy with how my life has shaped up. My Dad just doesn't have any idea of his folly. A simple minded man who never graduated beyond an 8th grade education. Even if he has a paper saying he has a B.A. or  B S. In whatever. Probably BS, cuz he is proficient in that.   :)

Anyway, today,  I'll go see a lawyer today. Maybe stop by a nursing home or something. He should be someone else's problem. Also, I am free. Secure, and assured. It is not my responsibility to visit a man I don't like. If it comes to that. He made his own bed. Not my problem.  

Laterzzzzzzzzz.     :)

xoxo.         :)

xxoo.       :)

Byeeeeeeeeee.        :)))

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