Thursday, January 23, 2020

Change Of Routine Kinda.

I'd say this week my routine kinda got changed. Having Lisa sick, I drove all week, just in case I had to pick something up on the way home. I did go to a grocery store 3 times in the last two days for this and that. Pudding, applesauce, soup, and stuff. I did do the dishes, but the rest of the house is trashed. She has been sleeping on the couch, but she is back in her bed now. 

I remember from last year, coming back from being sick is brutal. You are wiped out, and it takes a bit to get the energy back. Outside a cough I've been pretty good this year. I think my cough is from my blood pressure medicine,  but i continually think I'll lick that side effect. I may change it too. We'll see. I feel fine in all things. Energy is fine, and energy is kinda a big deal. 

Work is super easy now. We are pretty much leaving work early every day. It seems odd, but before you know it, we won't be probably. Oh, another thing is I haven't taken Hope this week at all, well I did after work Monday I guess. Monday was just incredibly productive. As much as Sunday sucked, Monday was great. I did get my workouts in too Monday and yesterday. 

Life moves on. I am 54 I think, and things are going good. I am settled in my life. I don't think I have any real hobbies. I do stay busy with my life,  and that I like. Age 54 is the money making years I guess. If you had kids they are gone, or close to it. 54, no they should be gone, unless you had them late. Your house is probably paid for, or close to it. Unless you refinanced. my house is paid for, cuz of an inheritance,  but I was down to a small mortgage anyway, and owed way less than half the value. 

I give $100/week to my investment people, and $6000 each year in a 2nd IRA account. My original $5000 in the non IRA account is now approaching $10,000. That shit starts to add up. Figure 15 years all things being equal, should be pretty good. 

Now, I just do my day to day. My drinking is like 50% days off, as opposed to 100% days on. Last night I had two light drinks. I made a 3rd stiff one,  but didn't drink it. Monday and Tuesday I didn't drink. I love my nonexistent heart rate when I don't drink. Monday I had so much to do, I was just busy busy busy. Tuesday Lisa was sick,  and I happily got sucked into tv shows. Yesterday I was bored. I didn't really have much to do, so I had a couple drinks. I love the relaxing feel of a couple drinks. Even still my resting heart rate stays elevated, and I hate that. I did sleep good last night. Being tired, and a couple drinks equals a good sleep. 

I guess I wish I could always be entertained with activity, or reading,  and watching tv, that I wouldn't drink. That isn't always the case though. If I am bored I'll probably have a couple, as I am now. Also if the weather is shit there isn't much to do anyway. We are having a mild winter though. 

Oh another thing is I am almost starting to up my coffee to two cups it seems.  I typically don't drink any on Saturday, but one cup can easily turn into two this week. It could just be a product of drinking less. Like I said if I drink my heart rate stays elevated, so I typically wouldn't need that jump start. That's probably why I didn't drink coffee a lot in the past. Coffee is like blogging. Only something I do in the early morning. Rarely/never do I drink coffee after my morning cup. It's free where I work too. I suck down water with squeezed lemon in it. One of those things I love, and also happens to probably be good for me. 

So today I'll take Hope. I'll try to do the run thing too. It should be okay. Work should be pretty low key. I don't have a lot of mixing to do, so I can help out in other areas. I think today should be okay.  

Laterzzzzzzzzz.    :)

xoxo.          :)

xxoo.         :)

Byeeeeeeeeee.       :)))

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