Monday, January 20, 2020

Sundays Are The Worst.

There just isn't enough to do on a Sunday. Especially with horrible weather. I shoveled/ran the snowblower 4 times yesterday. That wasn't so bad, cuz I actually did okay stepwise for a Sunday. I was up way too early, so I was all out of whack. I usually shop at Meiers and Sam's Club. I showed up at Sam's a half hour before they were open, so I didn't even go. I didn't feel like waiting. Come to think of it I should have stopped at Walmart to look around. I think I've only been in a Walmart once in my life. Couldn't hurt to look around. 

Anyway I ran out of shit to do. I watched football for a while. I must have fallen asleep during the first game. Saw some of the end, and a bit of the 2nd game. Of the 4 teams in, I was rooting for the Chiefs, so they are still in it. I think the only thing that can stop them is a team with a good running game. It didn't work yesterday. Looking at the stats of the niners game though,  we may see in a couple weeks. No defense can stop them when they are fully healthy,  which they are, and they are playing good too. Plus it looks like they learned from last year. 

Anyway, I just didn't have anything else to do really. Hold on, I'm gonna see what time I fell asleep yesterday. Ahhhhhh, I see 4:40-5:53. Then at 8:40 or so. All in all almost 7-1/2 hours. Today should be fine. Back to normal. I got plenty of sleep,  and I got plenty to do. Work, and work out for one thing. Plus I should pick up some stuff I forgot to yesterday. I'm gonna check out a new *for me* Mexican store some time this week too. My old one doesn't sell meat anymore. Luckily though like I said I got plenty to do. Sundays aren't bad, but when the weather is shit what can you do?  

Lisa is taking my dad to the bank today, so we  can see what he does with his money. He just pisses through it like a drunken sailor in a whore's house.  There probably is a fine line between stupidity and dementia, and he's straddling it pretty good. He seems fully functional when you talk to him, but he's just an idiot about everything else. I mean if you work zero out of 24 hours every day, how hard is it to have your shit together?  How hard is it to get cash out of your bank instead of a fee charging atm that is one block away. Why do you get cash so often too. See what I mean?  Just dumb. 

He can't cook a meal to save his life. It seems life just skipped that generation, at least about learning practical things. I guess being a batchelor for an extended time might do that... maybe. I'd still make food I wanted to eat I think.  Just less of it. I will not be able to understand his life I guess. He's so annoying I don't even care. 

Other than that I got my stuff that keeps me okay. Work,  eat, sleep. I am thankful I don't have another day off. That would be the worst. 

Anyway I spose. I think I'll relax for a bit before I get ready.  

Laterzzzzzzz.    :)

xoxo.      :)

xxoo.       :)

Byeeeeeee.       :)))

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