Sunday, August 11, 2019

Time Moving On.

Good morning. How's it going?  Me, I am fine. Yesterday was okay. I worked a little late. I am almost done listening to book 3 of Harry Potter. That happens to be the last book I finished reading. I got bored after, although I am sure the books are fine after 3.

After work I chilled out a bit, showered,  and went out and got a sewage pump. On Friday we realized ours didn't work anymore. I was going to have a plumber install a new one, but my regular plumber's number no longer works. I don't have his cell number anymore either. From when I lost all my contacts. So, I figured I'd do it myself. I hate plumbing,  but I can do stuff. I was going to do it today,  but just did it yesterday. One thing I learned is those things take a beating.  I got a check valve,  cuz usually you replace those too,  although the original seemed fine. It basically disintegrated. It appears some of the original pump just deteriorated too. It's pretty old. Like maybe a decade.

Anyway after a couple trips to the lumberyard it works. For another decade probably. Glad that's done. A pretty disgusting job.

So today I have a day off with not much to do. Laundry,  run the robot, clean the kitchen that is mostly clean. I don't know what I am going to do. Maybe see a movie. I'll have to take the monster too.

I have an easy day before me. Nothing too stressful. Not much on my mind. I only had 70 miles last week. Probably not going to hit my 100 mile week. I have nothing I am really shooting for. That is fine too. Keeps me flexible. I can do whatever. My heart is still fine with things.   No biggie. I can just be as I am. As to life's disappointments I have none. I am fine with it all. I have no heroes before me. Nobody I'd rather be than me.

I honestly don't know how the human experience ever became some dignified thing. We aren't dignified in the least. Humans are messed up. Filled with a lot of bad information. If you live you have bad information. Fairy tales are a part of your reality. We get older and older. Try doing that in a glamorous way.

The World is icky. The best you can hope for is to be good with you. I am good with me. I ain't perfect, but I don't pretend to be. I've dealt with my shortcomings. Looked at my shit head on. I faced my fears, and endured them.

I am open. I can be seen, which is just my normal now. Nothing I ever really think about. Life is easy cuz my heart makes it so. It's content. I am fine with me, and what I do.

If life is a rat race it's below me. It doesn't affect me. I have something you don't. You don't know it, cuz you cannot walk in my shoes. I am pretty sure many/all had the opportunity,  but you weren't willing. You wanted to stay in control. I assume because you felt you were all powerful to direct future events.

How we go from here I have no clue. There is no guide book. I just do what I do. This  is pretty much it.

I spose.  Today should be okay. 

Laterzzzzzz.    :)

xoxo.       :)

xxoo.      :)

Byeeeeeeeee.       :)))

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