Friday, August 2, 2019

I Feel Pretty Good For A Friday.

So my sleep this week seems like it has switched down to 5-1/2 hours of sleep each night. I don't know why that is. Maybe just an energy spike where I don't need as much sleep this week. It was easy mentally for me to go run the trail. Still hard as heck though. 7 loops last week, and 8 this week. That thing does not get easier. I think my pace yesterday was 11:55, and it wasn't easy.

Outside of that yesterday was another day. I worked,  ate, and slept. I think i am going to get my passport,  drivers license, and new running shoes today. Oh, and a brace for my left knee. That's the one that acts up. Just get that annoying shit done.   So I will probably take today off from running. My knee has been acting up a bit, although it feels better today after my run on the trail. When my knee starts bugging me, it doesn't really like bending so much.  I think it will be fine.

Not much going on besides that at all. I got some tomatoes already. I have to weed my garden again. What a pain. I don't think I want to can tomatoes this year. Too much work. I will if I get a good load, so we will see.

Am I making the most out of my life?  I am fine, and content with mine. It's easy. I don't have a ton of interests, and I dwindle them down more and more. I was at that age where I wanted to learn all the things, and now I am wise enough to know that is a job in futility. My life is simple, because I only do what is sustainable. I don't bring too much shit on. In life I want to relax after I labor,  and I do that. I keep stress off by not having more and more to do. I have less to do.

I still do stuff. It's not like I work,  and then sit on my butt right away. I do sit on my butt eventually though. I guess my life is not filled up with shit I don't want to do. I don't have a ton of annoying responsibilities. 

I look at other busy lives,  and I am glad mine isn't. Heck, I don't even have to be real sociable if I don't want. You know how probably everyone wants alone time?   I have a ton. Every day. I enjoy it. After work I typically have a few hours, and before work I have a couple hours. I think that is healthy. My life is easy.  I am jealous of no one. I am living the life I want. Like you, I had no idea what I needed to make my internals always pretty positive. Now I have it, and I didn't create it. I was just willing to follow another story, not of my direction.

I know why I am the way I am. I also know you are not, so. That's interesting huh?  You can't kid someone who knows.

Anyway, I guess I'll take Hope. Maybe I will run, yeah what the heck.  I will.

Laterzzzzz.         :)

xoxo.       :)

xxoo.        :)

Byeeeeeee.      :)))

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