Monday, August 19, 2019

Snickers Flavored Creamer For My Coffee

Good morning. How's it going?  Me, I am fine. Unlike you, I am having Snicker flavored creamer with my coffee. I slept 7 hours and 44 minutes too. I was surprised. Yesterday I got my normal Sunday shit done. I got a haircut,  shopped for groceries,  and picked more tomatoes. I ate 6 tomatoes yesterday I think,  and I still have 2 bowls full. I've been cutting up a few tomatoes,  put them in a container with salt, and bring them to work. It is soooo good. I might go through withdrawal when my never ending supply abruptly ends.

My knee feels pretty good today,  so I'll take Hope. Yesterday was a run walk, because I am out of shape already/lazy. Might be it was hot and humid too. Yuck. I didn't do much when I finished all my stuff early afternoon. I watched tv, and made lasagna. It was overcast, and I felt like lasagna. It came out good. How can it not?  Red sauce, sausage,  ricotta, and cheese. I mean seriously. 

Yesterday was a day off, and I am ready to go back to work. We are approaching Labor day. School starts so we should slow down. Labor Day will be busy, and then we will be okay. This year I don't feel we worked a ton of overtime. Last year I think it was 6 months straight. I wouldn't mind a couple 36-38 hour weeks. We will get those soon enough hopefully.

Not a lot on my mind. I'll have to cut the grass soon. I really need to pick weeds too.  Horrible year for them. Basically I just have simple stuff that fills my mind and my time. I am not doing anything important. My life isn't important. I don't drag myself down worrying about politics and stuff. As far as I can tell everybody is just angry about something.

I just have my life of little importance. Not really worried about much. I work, and live my simple little life. I am not disappointed in any way. I am not sad. I don't miss anyone, and maybe more than anything I am just indifferent toward people. You have a life,  fine. It's not my concern. Actually most people's lives seem much harder than mine. Most people will tackle more than they can handle, or else they don't have much to fill  their time.

Other people I am not concerned about. I have my easy little life. I am a month away from a little 3-4 day getaway where I may do nothing. Our hotel is on the water, so it should be nice. I am excited. Easy trip, little travel, plenty of relaxing.

So enter another update of my silly day to day.   :)

So dumb.    :)

Laterzzzzzzzz.    :)

xoxo.     :)

xxoo.      :)

Byeeeeeeee.       :)))

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