Friday, August 23, 2019

It's Cold In The Breezeway.

So, I got over 8 hours of sleep again. Sleeping from my early alarm to the middle alarm is pretty sweet. It's an hour and a half extra. Typically I wake up surprised the middle alarm hasn't gone off yet. It means I have to take Hope when I get home.  That is fine too. My knee feels pretty good to start running. My shoes may need a little more time to break in.

Next week is Labor day which pretty much signals the end of summer. Football starts,  baseball season winds down.  I have no big goals for the Fall. Just keep doing what I do I guess. Always you hope you'll do more, but I guess I have my minimum I do. I work out 3 times per week, and take Hope a lot. Cooking, and housework too. For a simple life I still keep busy.

What should one do for fun. Your downtime. Can you really enjoy downtime when you know there is more you can do?  I thought about what to do for fun yesterday, and I drew a blank.

I know people play video games, but I don't know how they would feel good about themselves. I barely feel good after a day off. I could watch TV, but I don't really do that a ton. Fun threw me for a loop. Is life even supposed to be fun? 

Now my life is easy which is pretty nice. I have no concerns for the future which also nice. I enjoy the labor I do. It makes me feel accomplished most days. Like I own my downtime. Sure there are things I could do, but if I don't,  I still have labor under my belt.

The secret thing we want out of life is to feel good. There are many angles I guess you'd say about, feeling good. I have that though. I feel good. I don't feel angry,  and I don't feel like I've been cheated out of anything.  No scapegoats lurking hidden in my mind. Propaganda loses its ability to take a hold in me. It also helps I don't really pay attention to the news. Hate and anger sells, and the news is there to make money. Seek out the motive.

Today is a day. I feel pretty good. I definitely got a lot of sleep. I got a few things to do after work.

Anyway I spose.

Laterzzzzzzzz.     :)

xoxo.             :)

xxoo.              :)

Byeeeeeeeee.       :)))

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