Sunday, August 4, 2019

A Day Was Had. I Spose.

Good morning. How's it going?  I am fine. I slept for 9 hours and 36 minutes last night. I saw a movie after work,  and we actually made it to Saugatuck AGAIN!! We went to the Butler Deck, and had a meal,  and a rum runner. It was good. A lot of people out and about. It's on the water so a lively atmosphere.

My knee has been acting up,  so I am skipping my long run today. It is something I have to be careful with. It sucks, but what are you going to do. It's more of a precaution than a necessity.

Outside of that not much. I'll get a lot done around the house,  and I'll take Hope for a walk. When I was at the DMV the other day you get to see a whole bunch of different people. A random set of various people is not exactly the most pleasant thing to view. Same could be said at the Butler Deck yesterday. I can't really imagine what people do with their lives. I don't think many hobbies actually have movement involved.

I think of things one can do with their lives, and I don't see anything of value. What kind of imperfection did you settle on for your life?  How will you make it seem not imperfect?  We all tell tall tales.

If I could think of anything I'd want to do, this is good enough. I am busy, I am active. I don't feel I have too much of any vice in my life. Too little either.  I don't watch a lot of tv. If people get sucked in that trap it is beyond me to comprehend such a thing. I am too busy. I don't have guilt toward anything. The shitty person I have been in the past I have gone through,  and came to terms with. I am accepted,  so I have a new me coming sometime,  and it makes the now me irrelevant.

What I am now is nothing. Not really worth anything. Powerless to help people,  and I can only marvel that people don't want better. As a matter of fact they might want to paint a picture they are in the midst of the good life, but their hearts know they aren't.

Whatever you have created or were born into it isn't the best thing out there. You kinda have to be honest with yourself to see it though. Social networking won't help you on that either. That shit is just silly.

Anyway, I guess I'll start my day. I wouldn't mind taking a nap actually. 

Laterzzzzzz.   :)

xoxo.       :)

xxoo.      :)

Byeeeeeeee.      :)))

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