Thursday, August 29, 2019

The Week Continues On.

Good morning. How's it going?  Me, I am fine. I stayed in bed til my middle alarm, cuz I thought I should be tired. I had one more drink than I should have, but I guess I am not any worse for the wear. I wasn't going to run this morning, cuz I've run 4 days in a row. My knee is doing mostly pretty good. I can bend my left leg now without any trouble. I can bend down on my knees too, and get back up. Progress.

So I've known about those things called planks. Knew nothing about them. They look like resting on your elbows. I figured people could probably sleep like that. I found out yesterday they are supposed to be hard. It was a workout day anyway, so I  thought I'd try them.  First I googled how long I should hold them. Of course the first link has some blond girl, trainer of some sort, saying if you are a guy, and you can't hold it for 2 minutes than are you really a guy?  Okay, so two minutes.

Ummmm, it wasn't exactly that easy. I did two. The 2nd one was hard too, so I called it a day. I still can carry my man card, but barely.    ;)

We had pizza, and wings for dinner. I feel pretty good today too. I have two days off coming up. I am excited for it too. Of course by the end I'll curse all days off.  :)   I feel kinda excited about today too. Not for any reason. Just the I feel good reason. I am glad I started working out. I feel there is a good health benefit to it. Not just cardiovascular stuff, but both together. I am a hold to my minimum guy too. I am not seeking to do more. Just keep up with what I am doing. Maybe some day I'll get a wild hair up my ass, and want to push for more. I tried running recently, and that turned to injury.

I don't feel like I want to make any changes really to my life. What I got now is fine. It's easy.

Today all I have to do is walk Hope when I get home. Should be a relaxing stress free day. Aren't they all?   :)

Laterzzzzzzz.      :)

xoxo.      :)

xxoo.      :)

Byeeeeeeeeeeee.       :)))

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