Friday, August 9, 2019

A Full Day.

Yesterday just a lot got done. For one our car got done, so we picked it up. We bought it in Grand Haven, which is like 20 miles away, so it's always an ordeal to get  it fixed. I don't like driving 4 miles  let alone 40 there and back. It's under warranty though. It was just the electric seat mover wasn't working,  so they fixed it. Had to order the part. Got a free oil change,  some 16 point inspection,  and tire rotation. All for free. They do hook us up there.

Lisa had an issue at work. It seemed a meeting was called with everyone in order to belittle her and another girl. Her boss sent her home. She talked to the main guy who knew nothing of the matter. I told her to file a complaint. It's a non profit organization so there should be legal ways to file a complaint through HR or something. Get the paper work started. Her work she used to like,  but now she says she walks on egg shells.  It used to be a fun place for her to work at, but it isn't anymore.

My work place we generally are always in a good mood. It sucks walking on egg shells. We had that before too. You know you were walking in to work with someone who is in a bad mood 99% of the time. Complaining about whatever. It sucks. It's easy to spot unhappy people. The unhappy people probably don't know they are unhappy,  and probably don't know they make people's short lives worse,  not better.

Anyway she was off,  and we could get the car with no hassle. She normally works til 5:00. Shop closes at 5:00. That worked out. I closed out my Chase account after. My 2nd job got deposited in the credit union so that's easy. Chase had hidden fees. I don't remember the balance I needed to keep to be no fees. I think $6000, and I don't think I made enough at my 2nd job to have no fees, cuz they had a minimum amount needed to be deposited each month. So basically they held $6000, which they pay basically no interest on, and they could subject me to fees. I got my $550 from them for jumping through hoops,  and now I only have two banks. Both closer to my house too.

I was going to get running shoes, but the store closed early to get ready for sidewalk sales. Go figure. We got hot dogs for dinner at a new place near there,  and it was good. I love Chicago dogs.

I then went to bed. I did listen to the serial podcast which gets more and more disturbing. Actual cop brutality just for the heck of it. They beat up one guy, and placed him in a room for 4 days with no bathroom. His head was swollen 3 years later he needed surgery to drain fluid in his head. In those 4 or 5 days they gave him a small carton of milk to drink. Did the same to another guy too. More stories like that. It was disgusting. That's what I mean about a helpless situation. The people who are supposed to be part of the solution are part of the problem.

It's helpless. Me being a typical white guy would have no idea things like this happen.   Humans can fall to great depths. I can't imagine what makes these people do such things,  and with a clean conscience. How does that work? 

Not really any thoughts on life or anything. Today is a day. It should be fine. I have to work out, and maybe get my shoes after. I'll have to have dinner at some point. Not sure what to do there. I think I'll drive, and pick up something to cook. I have to get a haircut anyway.

So I have the makings of a day. 

Laterzzzzzz.        :)

xoxo.      :)

xxoo.      :)

Byeeeeeeee.        :)))

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