Tuesday, August 6, 2019

The Knee Says No.

Good morning. How's it going? Me, I am fine. My left knee is still bugging me, so I don't know what I am going to do. Not run for a bit. One thing I've learned is running does take away from other parts of life.  You cannot do all the things.

Yesterday I slept in. I needed it. Some things I learned about myself recently is I don't really like music much. Pandora has ruined it or something. I am pretty much sick of most/all music. The songs have been done to death.

I don't know why that is. Is it me, and my lack of interest in things?  Is it just music isn't that important?  Music taken down it's full timeline = nothing of significant value. Who knew? 

I did find podcasts on Pandora. So I started listening to serial. An inside look at our justice system pretty much. I am sure there are podcasts for everything,  and true crime seems interesting to me. The girl who does it is pretty interesting I'd say. Flawed,  and everything. Not ashamed of herself,  but isn't afraid to share her flaws in the way she thinks and stuff. I can't really explain it.

Yesterday was okay. I worked out, applied for my passport, watched a movie, made dinner, watched another movie, ran my robot. Time spent not running = more time for something else. Maybe clean the basement, and the garage. Weed the garden, and stuff.

I still have to get new running shoes, and a knee brace. Pretty much planning on going back to my normal stuff barring a miracle. I am probably not going to get in super duper running shape again.

I find myself wanting people to ask themselves questions of why?  Why do you believe stuff? 

Guns are good.

My Country is the best

We all should hate North Korea.

Some people in my opinion should die. (I am the judge)

What I do is important.

My life is important.

People are the creation of thoughts from other people. A creation of the society of today. I find a lot of hate toward others. You cannot hide it. The other side is dumb. The truth of life is it isn't important. It doesn't last.

No one does any good deeds. Is there even such a thing?  Everybody is so busy being on the right side of right they never actually asked why?  The truth is you aren't. Not in the least. You believe a lie.

I could handle that truth about me in the wilderness,  cuz I knew I had fear. I wanted security. The security of being on the right side of right. So I wanted to go through my ordeal to become the best a person can be. Security.

It isn't being the best a person can be that saves us though. That's the gift. For me i didn't harden my heart. I just asked for courage, cuz I was to play the fool. A test which I passed. My heart was given just barely enough courage.

It wasn't my righteousness that places me where I am now. Something else was accepted in its place. As it is written.

Anyway, I guess I'll take Hope. Today is a day. Should be okay,  even though I slept for only 3 hours for some reason.

Oh well. 

Lateezzzzzzz.   :)

xoxo.       :)

xxoo.      :)

Byeeeeeeee.      :)))

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