Monday, July 1, 2019

So I Ran Some Trails.

So a guy I work with wanted to run some trails on Sunday morning. I was like sure. Why not? It was fun. I take Hope for short runs. Nothing crazy. These trails had hills, and I forgot hills are fun and hard. We didn't run long, but I enjoyed being reconnected with my heart rate getting up there,  and recovering on the downhill.  It's been a while.

I also finished IT. I saw the MIB movie, bought some shorts for work, and some groceries. It was a pretty good day off I guess. I watered my garden, and grass, but that was about it. I didn't really have much else to do. I did laundry and dishes like I do every Sunday.

Work will be crazy cuz of the Holiday. Have to build up for Wednesday on Tuesday. Build up for Friday on Wednesday,  and build up for Saturday on Friday. Those are 3 very busy days,  and I say Summer is here.

Not much else going on with me. My Dad is bonkers we will leave it at that. Old people don't die with dignity in some cases. They outlive their usefulness.  He has some problems with his outlook.  More issues than I can even go into. His worst problem is he cannot accept his life  was pointless and stupid. I kinda had to tell him no 35 year old bartender is going to give a fuck about an 84 year old man.  Not kinda I did tell him that. The police called me telling me my Dad was acting like an ass. Giving people at this upscale restaurant bar area problems. He was calling the 35 year old bartender too.

So I told him I work two jobs 6 days each week. I want to relax,  and have fun after.  I don't want to deal with this horseshit ever. Quit being an ass, and don't be stupid.  He's spent s lifetime being an asshole to wait staff. I personally do not like angry people who are assholes. 

That's just shit I have to deal with. Luckily for me i already know and accept my life is dumb.  You won't catch me putting anyone on a pedestal. Those days are done. Life is not filled with saints.  There are none, although I am the only one who knows it. Seemingly. 

Anyway the good the bad and the ugly. The run was fun. My day was pretty easy. Today is work,  workout,  and let's see what else. 

Laterzzzzzzz.   :)

xoxo.        :)

xxoo.       :)

Byeeeeeeeeeee.     :)))

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