Sunday, July 21, 2019

Some Things.

Good morning. How's it going?  I am fine, thanks for asking.   ;)  Yesterday was a normal Saturday, I worked,  saw a movie. Had a couple drinks. We watched more movies too, as our cable AND internet were out. Still out. Today Hope and I are planning to run long.  4 miles long.   :)  my runs are mostly 1-1/2- 2 miles,  so that is long for me. I did run the trails after work on Friday.  I even took Hope too, cuz it didn't seem worse than the previous hot day we went. I was able to recover on the 2nd loop easier. So progress. I think it helps I remember the loop now, so I know what is coming up,  and what I have to endure. Even the climb of 120 whatever steps seems easier. I have to climb the steps just to get to the running part.

3rd loop was hard. I probably would have done the 4th loop, but Hope was pooping out. He has full fur, so we kinda go by him. (Her actually)  there was definite progress. I feel the ability to recover during a run is a gauge one is actually starting to get in shape. It's all kinda new to me again. I haven't run to get in shape for years. I've run during those years, but for the heck of it. It is different in the mind too. I think I am older and smarter about these things. Meaning, I'll do little things to make me stay healthy.

If I don't it's not the end of the World.  It's just something I'll currently do... for fun. On another fun note, after Labor Day we are going to visit another city for like 4 nights. I have no idea which one. I'd like to visit the East Coast,  but maybe not during Hurricane season. So, I am not really sure. I almost could go to San Antonio again, cuz we did love it there,  but we won't do that. A work in progress I guess. Maybe we'll just go North in Michigan. I really have no clue. I am thinking city more than Northern Michigan though. Just not sure which one. We'll see.

Really not much besides that. Still holding to my 2 drink a day limit. I wasn't going to limit myself yesterday, but I did, cuz I didn't want another drink. If I felt like drinking I would have. Saturday will be my day to indulge I guess. It's not really a good idea though,  as Sunday is my long day. I'll never indulge so much to get hungover though. Indulging is 3-4 drinks. I'll be asleep after that.

At my age there isn't anything exciting to keep me up. Sleep is exciting. Kinda. A good night sleep. Running for a purpose is exciting, cuz it's different,  and new. I don't feel I ever got to my best either.

That is good news for a 50+ person, cuz a 50 year old is smarter about stuff than 20-40. 20-40 can still be sidetracked by things like partying late,  and such stuff. At least in my experience.  At 50 things like that don't sidetrack us. Think about my life. I have no responsibilities really. If I prioritize running, it is not at the expense of much else,  except less yard work,  and housework...maybe.

My life is simple like that. I carry no guilt. I have no sacrifices I make. I owe no one anything so there is no sacrifice toward anything I must make. I can just live, and be. I don't have to act a Saint. If I don't give a fuck about something I don't care. Even if it seems I should. I don't have to pretend to be a Saint. I don't have to pretend to care. I can just be. I am strong,  and confident on my own.

That's a whole story though. I did go back, and get a glimpse of my past. Like when I first started blogging. My heart did care about stuff. People mostly. Things mattered to me,  and I was different then. Now I am not afraid of anything. Also I see people as they are kinda. Not saints. Not perfect. I don't grade on the curve. I really only give people a failing grade I guess. Cuz that's our truth. I've gone on that Journey. I've faced that truth. Twice accepted what I deserve if that is the plan.

Outside of those two times I wanted to be on the right side of right. Lived in a lot of fear. Now I currently stand accepted before perfection. Didn't know that was the way. I wanted the scary final thing, because I wanted security. I have security. I think I'll have to give it up, but I am not scared. Cuz I have help. The path isn't mine. I've overcome twice not cuz of me,  but cuz my help did it for me. The 3rd won't be any different. I'll be scared I assume. If not scared, I'll definitely suffer.

The new me will no longer have a comic book understanding. I'll see life as it really is. That is understanding.  All make believe is thrown away. I'll have the best set of eyes. I'll be stronger than I am now. Now I am strong without any protection. I am secure, although still poor in Spirit. A thing I didn't know possible.

Anyway, I think it stopped raining. I guess I can get my run in, and get this Sunday going.

Laterzzzzzzz.    :)

xoxo.      :)

xxoo.       :)

Byeeeeeeeeee.     :)))

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