Thursday, January 3, 2019

Yesterday Was A Day.

Good morning. How's it going?  Me, I am fine. Yesterday was pretty good as far as days go. I worked. Had to bike in the snow to work out. Did my push ups,  and pull ups at home. Push ups were easy. Pull ups I was nervous,  cuz I was still sore. I seemed to remember working through a little soreness is okay. I took Hope for a walk too. I was over 26,000 steps last check, so that's okay.

I remember feeling pretty good being busy,  and having stuff to do. Not really much besides that. I guess I felt pretty good all day. The secret to me being me has very little to do with the person born here. My upbringing I threw away early in the 90s. I knew all that shit was flawed. My country I threw away for the same reason. There are no excuses for us, so I was not going to cling to flawed things. There must be something better.

These days I assume people try to find a way to feel good inside. Not angry, not lonely. What is the secret to that?  Part of the problem is you are flawed. You don't feel the same day in day out. I guess people believe they are in control of how they feel, but that isn't true at all. If it were so you definitely would feel better than you do normally in your day to day.

I am at this place too where nothing really affects me. I've blogged a long time, pulling people as it were, and it didn't really do anything. I seem to be free of it. Nothing really is my concern. I can wake up as I do. I can do my normal day to day, and it is fine. No worries you know?  This whole thing is not my concern.

I know people will continue to struggle to find their happily ever after. It doesn't come from outside activities. Marriage doesn't lead one to happily ever after. There are zero habits that lead to happily ever after.  You won't work yourself there,  read yourself there, or anything. The key is your  heart and something you have yet to accept is that is out of your control. Wouldn't we all be much better people if we did control it? 

Personally I am kinda in limbo. I am happy and content as I am. A gift basically. A gift that took hold a couple decades after my start,  but I still am far from perfect. That isn't in my power. I suspect people try to work toward being graded pretty well on the curve amongst others,  but grades on the curve don't mean shit.  Still flawed.

You accepted that as your outcome, cuz anything else seems impossible. Your life, and this World is flawed. If you have heroes they are flawed. Your hearts are flawed.  You accepted that outcome, and I took ownership I guess.

This person here isn't all that,  and there are penalties for such stuff. I grabbed the truth, which btw is pretty darn scary. It isn't exactly the easiest thing to deal with.

It's worth it though. I've lived in great fear, but not anymore.

Now I just wake up, and do my thing. Hopefully with not many days off. One
/week is fine.

Anyways.  I spose. 

Laterzzz.    :)

Have fun.   :)

xoxo.    :)

xxoo.    :)

Byeee.    :)))

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