Monday, January 14, 2019

Monday Is My Funday

Good morning. How's it going?  I am doing good. I am starting off my day off with a cup of coffee. First off I see the White Sox made an offer for Manny Machado. Somewhere in the vicinity of 8 years 250 million bucks. I assume he'd be our 3b. Interesting. I don't pay attention to baseball as much as I did in the past, but I figured the Sox were still a couple years away. He would hit a ton of HRs at US Cellular or whatever the home field is called now.

Yesterday was pretty okay. I got all my typical Sunday stuff done. I took Hope for a walk, and I was actually excited about going to work. I definitely like working on Sundays for some reason.

I got to leave early again too. Everything was packed up, and they were just waiting for bread to bake.

Today I have a few things to do. Cash some checks,  work out. I have a lot of change to change out too. That's about it. Lisa's going out with friends for dinner, so not sure what I'll do. 

I still kinda wonder how last week I lost my spark for a bit. Weird. Maybe tired,  maybe under the weather.

It seems long  ago now. I am excited about my day today, and this week should be pretty good. Not that anything crazy is going to happen.

I just found something out yesterday. When I first started blogging way back when, I read 4 bloggers pretty much,  and later spread out a bit. One blogged every day, and quit when she got pregnant. I think I saw on Twitter yesterday her kid is 8 years old. Holy crap. So I've been doing this at least a decade.

Not that it really matters. It was just interesting to me. Life just keeps moving on. I am better today than I was back then in ways. Totally assured,  and confident. This morning I was thinking about how I must have come across. Some strange guy who paid a lot of attention to 4 girls blogs. This day and age I guess there are warnings about that  type of stuff. Strange guy giving a lot of attention to girls. I just figured a lot of people may have considered me a creep.

I guess I blogged though, and people would... or could know what I was thinking. These days I barely pay attention to anyone like that,  cuz no one really blogs.  At least in my list.

I do though for whatever reason. Blogging is a good way for letting people know how you think. How else can you let people know? 

That is interesting huh?  No one really knows you. I know husbands don't know wives, and visa versa. Everybody is tangled in their day to day,  and your quiet voice is being hidden by all the noise.  I assume there are insecurities,  and things that most people worry about. I feel life's busyness hides that,  but also I am pretty positive that is the stuff you really would like to look at most.

I was thinking maybe blogging is a thing of the past, but I don't know how else you'd let people know you. Maybe just maybe you are afraid to let people know you. Our anger and insecurities... our weakness is probably our most interesting stuff, but I guess that is scary stuff too. What would people think if they knew we really aren't all that?

Me, I surely ain't very great,  but I am strong. I am confident,  cuz it don't matter what you think of me. I am already accepted.  Not cuz of me being a Saint, cuz it was always something different that would lead me to being accepted. For me it was the turn,  and following that path wherever it led. I was obedient. I was thrown into terrifying ordeals.

I am here now. Being more confident and assured than you can possibly know.

Anyhoo.    I spose. 

Have fun.   :)

xoxo.   :)

xxoo.    :)

Laterzzz.     :)

Byeee.     :)))

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